If you’re interested in the future of newspapers and news in the Puget Sound region, read more about what was said at a panel discussion hosted by Seattle City Club on Friday 2/20 at this link. Reading these notes is almost as good as being there, thanks to Seattle PI Reporter Mónica Guzmán. Now is certainly a time for reinvention of the business models for delivering the news, and there is plenty of that on the horizon for newspapers, journalists, work-in-the-trenches publicists, and do-it-yourself publicists who must navigate an ever-changing landscape to share their messages with the world.

David Domke, communications professor at the University of Washington, addresses an audience at a Seattle City Club panel about the future of newspapers. David Brewster, editor of Crosscut, is at the podium. Other panelists are David Boardman of The Seattle Times, David McCumber of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and John Cook of Techflash. (Mónica Guzmán/ Seattle Post-Intelligencer)