Have you yet made your reservations to benefit from ThinkBizNW? Conference organizers tell me that 150 people are already confirmed, and they are expecting a flurry of last minute registrants. I hope you are among them.
I am honored to be the breakfast keynote speaker for the Friday, September 10 breakfast session. I’ll be talking about how to kick that boring bio to the curb and why you should. And, one lucky member of the audience will win an Extreme Bio Makeover by yours truly. Here is the link to learn about the line-up of quality session leaders, the schedule of events, and to register.
Oh, by the way, this event gave me a reason to get the updated, revised, and much expanded second edition of Bye-Bye Boring Bio ready to launch. This comprehensive program of worksheets, articles, audio files and examples is going to help a great many people prepare the right bios for the right situations, and this edition emphasizes that a client-attracting bio is perhaps the most important version of all. I’ll have more to share about this as we move along.
Please, join me at ThinkBizNW. I’d love to meet you in person!