I’ve given and hosted scores and scores of teleseminars over the last few years.  And, since using words well is my gift and the technology — not so much — I confess that taking on teleseminars and the technology around them was brand new territory for me.

It’s a little unsettling to know that dozens or hundreds or maybe even thousands of people are making an appointment to listen to content you are sharing. There are a lot of things that go through your mind.  And sometimes, you get so lost in what you are intending to say that you might forget to hit “record” on the teleseminar dashboard.

Or, you might put the entire call “on hold” so no one can hear what you are saying. Mistakes happen, and I’ve made plenty of them. That is why, every time I lead or host a teleseminar, I put a sticky note on my computer with three words written on it:  Record, Rapport, Results.  I know, this is decidedly low tech in approach, but it works for me.  And it should give you hope that if I can do this, you can, too.

1) If I have gone to the time and effort to create a content rich teleclass or webinar, remember to RECORD it so everyone who has opted in can have the benefit to hear it live or via replay.

2) Create RAPPORT with the audience and the host.  That means fighting against reading from the PowerPoint slides during content delivery.  (Boy oh boy, I have struggled with that!)  That means connecting with those who are listening by showing up at your best, most authentic YOU.  That means delivering the content with the intention to deliver real value and plant the seeds for real relationships to take root to grow. As for connecting with the host, that all begins with the first call to suggest a collaboration.  It continues as you demonstrate how truly READY you are to make promoting your call or theirs easy, effective, and rewarding.  And the experience continues as both parties practice the fine art of follow up in the days leading to the deadline to take the desired action.

3) Begin with the end RESULT in mind, and see it through all the way through.   If you want people to request a discovery session, make that clear.  If you want people to make a time sensitive purchase decision to support their success, say so.   Give the audience JUST ONE ACTION to take so the content you have carefully crafted can actually lead to a desired outcome for your ideal client and for you.  And if you want to earn a reputation as a “rock star” joint venture partner, start with that end result in mind, too.  Be a pleasure to work with.  Do what you promised to do to promote the call.  Show up on time and ready to be your very best in service to everyone who expressed interest in the subject of your call.

kimclausen (3)If you would like to learn even more about how to make teleseminars pay off for your growing business, join me and Kim Clausen today at noon Pacific.   All the details are noted within the link right here.   I know as much as I have learned so far about leading teleseminars, I can always get better, and Kim Clausen is among the leading experts to show us all the way.  Join us!

==     Leading Your Own Teleseminars Can Be Easy… And Profitable