Yesterday was my 60th birthday.  Yep.  It’s true.  This gal is 60 years of age.  I’ve been reflecting a bit about this milestone birthday. Looking back on my life, I have so much to be happy and grateful about.

  1. I’ve been married to my best friend Steve for almost 35 years.
  2. We raised a son who is smart, self-directed, thoughtful and on his way to building a wonderful life and career of his own.
  3. My family is healthy — including our very important pup.
  4. I have a jewel box of lovely friends. Hundreds of happy birthday messages have been posted to Facebook over the last couple of days. That boggles my mind.
  5. I love what I do in my business and feel like I am driving in the right lane and doing my best work.
  6. I’ve earned a favorable reputation in my industry and among and between my clients for the value I bring.
  7. I love where we live.
  8. Folks say I look pretty good for a gal my age. It’s always fun to be told that, no matter how old you are.
  9. The future looks bright because we’ve saved for the future deliberately, while taking time to enjoy each day.
  10. I’m excited about leaping into more of life to have more experiences and moments that matter.

So many folks asked me what I was doing to celebrate my milestone birthday.

It was a day not unlike many others. I woke up knowing I was getting to lead a training I love to deliver. I got to interview a leading expert for my Learn More Earn More YouTube Show. I got a fabulous workout in.  My husband prepared a lovely dinner for us that we enjoyed while enjoying the view and sipping champagne.

It was a perfect day because I loved everything I got to do.  I was seen, heard, and celebrated in thoughtful ways. I also feel amply rewarded for the contribution I get to make with the skills I’ve worked to develop and grow over my lifetime.

I am happy and grateful for every blessing in my life because there have been plenty of pot holes, challenges, and losses to navigate along the way.

Coming through tough times and finding the resilience to push through to the other side is also something to celebrate.

My 60th birthday celebration could not have been more perfect, and I can’t wait to see what unfolds. I truly believe that the best is yet to come.


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