If you’ve been waiting until the last minute to register for the August 15 Publici-Tea™ Half-Day Workshop taking place in Tacoma this Friday, now is the time to get into the game. There are only four spaces left, and registration closes on Wednesday. Claim one of them as your own as we assemble at the lovely and historic Tacoma home of City Council Member Julie Anderson for an inspiring session that will equip you with the tools and confidence to start telling your own story to the local media. Tacoma News Tribune Business Columnist Dan Voelpel has indicated plans to attend, and that means those in attendance will certainly be coming to his attention. For Sound Sound business owners, this is a fabulous get-to-know opportunity. Betsy Talbot will share a “Blogging from Start to Finish” presentation that will have you inspired to launch a blog of your own. SBA Women’s Business Champion Rachael Costner will share her best small business marketing secrets to support your success. And I’ll be leading the session, generously sharing what I know about how to earn free publicity so you and your growing businesses can benefit. Don’t miss out. Register at this link.