The “Media Savvy” column I wrote for the Puget Sound Business Journal for the 10-9-09 edition speaks to some essential questions to consider, especially if you’ve had to reinvent company products and services to rspond to current marketplace opportunities.

  • Are you wrestling with your business model in changing times?
  • Is your reinvention in progress or now complete?
  • How long has it been since you revisited the language you use to describe what you do and for whom?
  • Is your message relevant still?
  • If not, take time now to revise and refresh your message to reflect the value you bring to the marketplace today.
  • Then, re-launch your message to posting it to your website, blog, social networking profiles, article submission bio boxes, speaker introductions, and other avenues where ideal customers can learn more.

If you are a Puget Sound Business Journal subscriber, you can read the rest of the article at this link.  If you are not yet a subscriber, scroll down to the link on the right hand side of the blog navigation and start your subscription with a 20% Off Publici-Tea™ Discount.   Remember, if you want to be seen, heard, and celebrated in the media, you first have to pay attention to the media.  If you do business in the Seattle area, the Puget Sound Business Journal is a great place to start.

And, if you are READY to stop being a well-kept secret and learn essential tools, tips, and resources to get seen heard and celebrated in this media venue and others, register for the Publici-Tea™ Express.  The next event is 10-16, and the one after that is 11-6.  Here is the link to register.