With the world all a-twitter over Twitter — the latest microblogging tool — here again is an opportunity to learn new etiquette and vocabulary. If someone you are following offers a Tweet (a 140 character message) that you want to share with your followers, that is called a Re-Tweet.  That is RT for short.  publicity_hound_tight_headshot_biggerSince I follow Publicity Hound Joan Stewart and often find value in her Twitter posts, the right way for me to acknowledge her as the source of my re-tweets is to indicate RT in my own Twitter post. “10 Dead or Dying PR Tactics” at https://tinyurl.com/cg23j6 RT from @publicityhound. I just know I am not the only one out there who was confused about the right way to re-tweet.  Aren’t you glad I cleared that up?

By the way, If you don’t yet subscribe to Joan’s Publicity Hound e-newsletter, do yourself a favor and sign up.  Joan is always on top of the latest trends,  tricks and tools for free publicity.  You will learn a lot to support your DIY publicity success if you make reading her ezine on Tuesday a well formed habit.