When I met Bill Baren in January of 2010, things started to shift for me in my business in a big way. Some of it had to do with mindset and some of it had to do with skills. As I have followed his work and applied his advice, the results I have experienced in my business have been profound and favorable. That is why I am excited to share that I’ll be hosting Bill Baren for a conversation about how to enroll clients without doing any selling.
Here is just some of what Bill will share on this content-rich teleclass on August 16, 2011 at 3 p.m PST:
- Bill’s most powerful step-by-step formula for leading prospective clients to “YES” – it works anytime, anywhere.
- How to turn the dreaded response of “I can’t afford it” into the perfect opportunity for you to enroll a new client right on the spot.
- The #1 thing you need to do in your consultations so that clients say yes to your services (it’s not what you think).
- Is fear of rejection or lack of confidence stopping you from getting clients? Bill will show you a simple fear-busting technique you can use right away.
- Bill’s super easy method that you can use during free consultations that can DOUBLE the number of prospective clients who hire you.
If having consultations that turn into clients is a skill you know you need to learn (or improve), time to be on this call. Bill will show you EXACTLY what to say to enroll new clients 80% of the time or more. And it’s not pushy, so it’s perfect if you have an aversion to having to “sell” yourself or your services. Register now so that your place on the call is reserved. (You’ll get the call recording too, so be sure to register if even if you might have to miss the call) . Register here.