seattlecoverIt’s definitely good news when one of Seattle’s most beloved and well-read lifestyle magazines celebrates the top sweets worthy of their affection on the cover.  The even better news is that Seattle Chocolate Company earned first runner up honors in the milk chocolate and chocolatier’s choice competition for its Meltaway Mint and Perfect Peanut Butter Truffle Bars, respectively.  Here is a link to the press room to make it easy for you to read the rankings and all the other great press for Seattle Chocolate Company.

If ever you wondered “What Happiness Tastes Like™,” the timing couldn’t be better to put these delicious and beautifully packaged delights in your shopping basket so you can taste and experience what all the fuss is about. Even during these challenging economic times, premium quality chocolate is an affordable luxury that lifts the mood at a price that makes good sense.  Who among us doesn’t need a some of that?

DIY Publicity Tip – When a local magazine calls to ask for samples of your delicious and beautifully bar_mintpackaged items for their taste test, be sure to ask for the submission deadline and bar_pbdeliver your goods in perfect condition to their judges well in advance of the deadline.   When you win, your product could be sitting very pretty indeed for everyone in your own backyard and beyond to see. What awards and recogntion have you or your products or services won lately?  And how have you leveraged your wins to earn even greater favor among your perfect clients?  Let me hear from you so others can follow your example.