Right now, consumers are cautious with their purchases — and rightly so.  Still, the need to give back to charitable organizations is ongoing and perhaps more essential now than ever before.  That’s why it’s timely to tell you about or perhaps remind you about Uptown Liz, a website that makes it convenient to shop for what you need and give back to causes you care about at the same time.

I am proud to report that the Publici-Tea™-to-Go! Gift Bundles are now featured on this site, along with a host of other products you likely need and want to share with others — just in time for Valentine’s Day or every day.  Every item on this site makes a contribution to a charitable organization.  I donate 10% of the net profits from the sale of Publici-Tea™-to-GO! Gift Bundles to the Northwest Hope and Healing Foundation.

I launched this cause-related initiative in October of 2008, and I wrote my first donation check just two months later!  What a thrill that was.

Check out the vast array of choices and shop to your heart’s content.   I’ve noted the site address on my blogroll and invite you to visit often and shop regularly.

Uptown Liz was founded to promote products from companies whose proceeds directly give back to charitable organizations. Through our online database, you can search by cause or product, with the knowledge that every time you link to a company and make a purchase, you are making a difference. Our mission is to build a bridge between compassionate consumers and concerned companies in order to improve the world around us. We like to call it “retail philanthropy” – the opportunity to purchase quality products that benefit worthwhile causes. So go ahead and click, because we promise there is no buyer’s remorse here.