Sign on Today as a 2010 Table Sponsor for the Publici-Tea™ Express Workshop Series

This is a lead generation opportunity for your business, a way to offer value to your best clients, and an annual investment in your own Authentic Visibility education!

Each event includes informal networking/shopping from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. and from 11:30 – noon.  The workshop begins with a 45-minute overview about DIY publicity and social media, followed by a focus topic to allow returning Publici-Tea™ graduates, new guests, and table sponsors to go deeper in their learning.  Stunning and decisive examples of success from real business owners just like you are celebrated to lend inspiration to your own winning actions and intended results.

2010 Workshop Dates and Focus Topics

January 22 – How to Give Your Snoozer/Loser Bio a Wake-Up Call Now

February 19 – How to Create a Winning Online Press Kit

March 19 – 15 Ways to Get Known as an Expert

April 16 – Why and How to Pitch an Article the Media Can’t Resist

May 14 – Why and How to Make the Most of Press Releases in Today’s Digital Age

June 18 – Is Writing a Book Right for You?

September 17 – So You Want to be a Highly Paid Public Speaker.

October 15 – Proven Ways to Build Awareness and Attract More Perfect Guests to Events.

November 5 – Telling the Truth about Information Products, Plus Free-for-All Q&A

Table Sponsor Benefits and Value

Your company can enjoy visibility among hundreds of publicity-seeking business owners who are serious about growing their businesses as a table sponsor at the 2010 series of Publici-Tea™ Express Workshops at the beautiful Seattle Design Center.

  • The Publici-TeaTM Express Workshop enjoys media sponsorship from the Puget Sound Business Journal. The company’s aggressive promotion of the events to 15,000 subscribers each month attracts an upscale audience of business decision makers to each event.  This, combined with ongoing, passionate, and persistent event promotion and publicity, offers you access to an extraordinary, quality audience of publicity seeking event guests at each event who are eager and qualified to invest in what you offer

  • You enjoy category exclusivity. For example, there will only be one photographer, one social networking site, one freelance writer, one DIY branding expert, one practical marketing expert, etc.
  • You meet publicity and visibility seeking business owners who can benefit from your services now and into the future at your 8-foot marketing table that is set up around the perimeter of this upscale conference space. Connect with guests before and after the formal event program, during the 9 – 10 a.m. hour and between 11:30 and noon.  You  bring your own tablecloth and table displays;
  • You capture guest contact information so you can nurture new relationships and earn the opportunity to do business when the timing and opportunity are perfect;
  • You can offer raffle prizes to event guests who register for the early registration drawing before every event, giving guests a taste of what you offer;
  • Your logo and company name enjoy visibility in a minimum of two pre-event date blog posts at that draw attention to the early registration date prize drawing;
  • You enjoy two admission tickets to the Publici-TeaTM Express Workshop, allowing you and a guest to benefit from the DIY publicity, social media, and other relevant information, tips, and resources served up generously to help you do deeper in your learning and grow your own business.
  • Guests you refer to the Publici-TeaTM Express events can register at the VIP rate, provided they mention your name in the comments section of their online registration forms.

Stunning Table Sponsor/Guest Speaker Success:

In November of 2009, Biznik attracted one new ProVIP member, offering $288 in new membership fees. Chris Creekpalm of Purse-anality sold $260 of purse hooks. And, Patrick Snow — a table sponsor and event guest speaker — attracted $21,000 in new business for his book publishing coaching program as a direct result of speaking and displaying his materials at Publici-Tea™ Express.

Guests who attend Publici-Tea™ want what you offer and can invest to benefit.

Similar benefits await for you when you act now to secure your place as a 2010 Publici-Tea™ Express Workshop Sponsor.

Sign up at the a la carte price of $200 per event.  Or, make the wise choice to display at all nine 2010 events.   Invest $1500 and save $300 over the a la carte event price.

Payment can be made with convenience and ease with your credit card.  Monthly payment arrangements gladly made.

Call Nancy Juetten at 425-641-5214, or send email to