Sizzling Speaker Sheet – Get It Done Virtual Workshop

Attention Aspiring Speakers and Subject Matter Experts:

Are you eager (but not quite ready) to take your place on bigger stages?

  • Do you want to get booked again and again and have dozens of speaking gigs on your calendar?
  • Are you excited about speaking to your perfect audience to share your gifts and also invite your audience to invest in the products, services, and programs you have created to serve their success?

The truth is, you have some competition. That means that preparing and sharing your message with the decision makers with the power to choose you is an essential place to start.

  • So … what is your hot topic?
  • What does the audience learn as a result of your brilliant delivery?
  • Who is your ideal audience?
  • What do audience members say?
  • And how can decision makers book you so you have all the opportunity you want?

I’d like to guide you through the process of getting this done so you can show up like a rock star at first glance and be able to invite spin off engagements from every gig.

This is your invitation to join me for the Create Your Sizzling Speaker One-Sheet Virtual Workshop!

Take a practical, tactical video tour with me as we get your sizzling speaker sheet done, using the sizzling speaker sheet template that thousands before you have already used to get ready for big opportunity before it knocks.
Morgana Rae took this journey to create her sizzling speaker sheet with my unwavering support and championship.

She came away from a VIP event attended by industry rock stars with five new speaking gigs booked!

morgana morgana2

If you want what Morgana and others are having, say YES right now to the Create Your Sizzling Speaker One-Sheet Virtual Workshop.


You get the video presentation, the template, and guided support from me to get this done, wherever you live, work or speak around the world.

Plus for the NEXT MONTH, you also get to receive my feedback about your best-effort in our Sizzling Speaker Sheet Feedback Facebook Group. You get my eyes on your message and specific suggestions to make it even more amazing!

This training sells for $297.

AND because you are taking inspired action right now, you can get access to everything for just $97!

>> I am making my speaker one-sheet sizzle right now so I can get booked again and again.

Buy Now


Action and Satisfaction Guarantee

I am 100% confident that after you employ the powerful business-building knowledge, tools and coaching in this Sizzling Speaker One-Sheet Virtual Training, you will be able to create your sizzling speaker one-sheet and be inspired to share it with more of the right people who can book you to share your message. That’s why I invite you to invest wisely so the journey can begin as soon as possible. Work with the training and tools. Ask for support in the Secret Feedback Facebook Group. Apply the feedback to your expert advantage. If you don’t make your modest investment back after taking inspired action as hundreds before you already have, send your completed worksheets, speaker sheet draft, and  actions you have taken to request a refund.

No action. No refund. No exceptions.
