Skip Fleming, CFP®, was the first Garrett Investment Advisor member to sign on as a Life Goes on Roadmap™ licensee last September of 2018.  Skip saw the value in having the “get ready for life” conversation, especially since he served our country as a member of the United States Marine Corps for 24 years and on several occasions had to start families through the recovery process after a sudden death.

Skip is an hourly planner. He brings his Skip Fleming version of Life Goes on Roadmap™ to get acquainted sessions with potential clients and mentions that the system is one of the ways he goes the extra mile with clients. His aim is to make sure their financial documents and information are in good order in case life serves up a bump in the road.

When he invites prospective clients to sign on to work with him, Skip “bundles” the value of the 3-ring binder and the virtual training the co-founders offer within his estimate for services. That means he adds $200 per engagement so the client can benefit in the specific ways that have been requested and ALSO benefit from the tools and resources that are packed within the Life Goes on Roadmap system. Skip says clients are grateful to receive the system and are engaged in the content.  They definitely see the value of getting their acts together.

Skip says that sometimes, clients ask if they can purchase Life Goes on Roadmap on an a la carte basis.  Up until now, he has not offered this as an option. However, it is useful to note that several licensees are taking advantage of this idea as a way to make a few extra dollars and serve those clients and their families. A future case study will showcase how that can work with ease and how it can also contribute to a steady flow of new client referrals.

So far, Skip says that 12 clients have received the Skip Fleming version of Life Goes on Roadmap™ as a 3-ring binder within the first few months of implementation of this system as a licensee. Skip sees Life  Goes on Roadmap™ as a value added item that helps create deeper relationships with new and existing clients. It’s something to take with him to networking events as a way to get people talking and engaging about how he can be of service and one of the ways he sets his firm apart.

When one of Skip’s clients completed the roadmap, the client asked Skip if he wanted to look it over. That created an opportunity to meet again, make sure the client did all the work, and open a discussion about any next steps that client might take to be on track just in case life should turn on a dime.

Skip has taken the initiative to lead his own Get It Done events with clients to hold their feet to the fire to get their acts together, using the webinar slides and other resources posted within the Licensee Learning Portal.  He has discovered that clients tend to be busy, and it’s been challenging to get them to show up for these calls.  He appreciates that the co-founders of Life Goes on Roadmap™ lead live virtual Get It Done Days several times a year so he can invite his clients to participate and benefit without having to spend his valuable time on implementation.

Now that emails have been written and shared to make it easy for him to invite clients to participate in the next round of Get It  Done Days coming up soon (the next live session is Saturday, June 15, 2019) , Skip has the tools to share that good news with his clients without having to write the messages himself or lead the training.  That saves his valuable time so he can focus more on financial planning.

Like any system, there are bumps in the road to work out as licensees learn how to use it and the co-founders improve their own systems and approach. Skip has raised his hand, made suggestions, voiced his opinions, and helped shape the system for the better.

Together, the rising tide lifts all the boats.