Yesterday I ventured out to Facebook to set up a Nancy Juetten Fan Page. To say that I was nervous about this is a bit of an understatement. I’ve been leading with my Extreme Bio Makeover Salon and the Publici-Tea™ pages for a while, as opposed to standing on my own name.
Social Media Expert George Kao gently encouraged me to play a bit bigger on Facebook, and now my page is live and inviting “Likes” quickly.
George has a very calm, centered, and strategic way of explaining things to me in a “non geek speak” sort of way. Through understanding, there is action that invites results. Heck, I had 25 “Likes” on my new page so I could qualify for my vanity URL almost immediately. That was an “alert the media” moment for me for sure. It sure calmed my Sally Field worries about whether on not the members of the Academy really like me after all. Who hasn’t experienced those kinds of fears and self doubts? I sure have.
All this is to say that George can help calm down your social media fears and self doubts so you can play a bigger game on social media with just 15 minutes of focused activity each day. Please join in the LIVE webinar we have brewing on 4-12 from 10- 11:30 a.m. to learn actionable steps to take to play a bigger game as you grow your buzz and your business. Click here to register.
And, if you’d like to check out and “Like” my new fan page, I’d be honored if you stopped by, shared a comment, and joined this growing community. Here is the link to make that easy and immediate.