If you missed the “Transform Your Social Media and Other Profiles from Wallpaper to Wow to Attract Clients Now” presentation I gave to an appreciative audience at the Constant  Contact big event at Columbia Winery, you can click here to enjoy the presentation:
Audience members said wonderful things about my talk, which is so heartening.

Listen in for “before” and “after” bio examples that will turn your head and illustrate important points that you can use to your own advantage.  Showcased within this audio are profiles of experts who are on fire with credibility and approachability — including Nancy Marmolejo, George Kao, Mari Smith, and Melanie Benson Strick.  There is much to be learned from their excellent examples, and there is also much to learn from stories of those who saw the value in bringing in the reinforcements to tell better stories now.   Listen in, enjoy, share — and  most importantly — take action.  Great rewards are waiting.