It’s kind of a big deal to be creating my very first sizzle reel to showcase myself as a speaker.  I have been speaking to audiences big and small since the year 2002, and it’s been quite a journey for me.

If you’ve been following my work for a while, you know about my humble beginnings as a speaker and how I went ‘kicking and screaming’ to speaking on the advice of my very first business coach.  The truth is, I wasn’t very good at the start.  And I am being kind with my own words.

Getting better has been an area of focus for me. That means sourcing courage to show up as the best Nancy Juetten I can be, quirks and all.  That means being myself, using words the way I like to use them, and keeping it real.

This brings me to the point of this post, and it is this:

Wherever you are, well, there you are.

BE right there, and be proud of what you have achieved.

Use the best of what you have.  Believe in your heart, head, and gut that with every speech you give going forward, you’ll be better than ever and MORE YOU every time you show up.

Do not get caught in the comparison game by watching hours of demo reels for other speakers and wishing that your style or presentation is a match for theirs.

Be the best YOU and reflect that with the best of what you have to offer today.

Here is what I know for sure.

As soon as that first sizzle reel is complete, it will be time to lay the foundation for the NEXT one.

We are all only as good as our last best performance, and the best is always yet to come.