Steve Juetten CFP™My husband Steve — to whom I’ve been married for almost 25 years — has been listening to my do-it-yourself publicity advice for quite a long time.  And he’s been learning his lessons well.  Today, he is quoted once again on in an article entitled, “The Easiest Way To Guarantee A 5% Return in 2012.”

The reporter connected with him on Monday and asked for Steve’s point of view by Tuesday.  Because Steve was ready, responsive, and eager to add value to the story, he was quoted extensively about a topic that is timely, newsworthy, and relevant to a great many people around the nation.  This is a prestigious online publication that a lot of his ideal clients read.

Are you ready to reply when an influential reporter calls YOU for your point of view?  If not, be sure to opt-in to my 1-25-12 at 3 p.m. webinar.  I’ll be sharing essential tips, steps to take, and examples of PR successes that contributed to revenue generation for speakers, consultants, and service professionals who made the wise choice to first be READY to respond when opportunity knocked.  Join in this live conversation so you can have what these fine folks are having!