This video is a gift you can give yourself and everyone you know who needs to believe in unlimited possibilities in the face of daunting challenges.  It shows the story of a golden retriever service dog named Richochet and his master, a quadriplegic surfer named Patrick.   Keep the tissues close at hand. This is a good one!

You can follow Richochet on Facebook.

If you are starting the New Year with a commitment to give to a cause worthy of celebration, this very well could be the one you’ve been looking for.

And if you are seeking support for another equally worthy cause, consider how powerful video can be to invite followers, fans, and donors to support your effort.  And you can use social networking to build the buzz and build even more community.  Imagine the unlimited possibilities that await when you get into action for the cause that is closest to your heart.

As for me, I am going to hug my dog and count my blessings.  As you can see from this photo of my dog Shadow, I am a sucker for a good story about a golden retriever.