Subscribe, Renew, or Extend Your Puget Sound Business Journal Subscription and Save 20%!

If you want to get seen, heard, and celebrated in the media through the power and impact of free publicity, the first step is to pay attention to the media. The Puget Sound Business Journal is the most widely read business periodical in the Seattle area. This weekly business journal reaches an upscale audience of over 100,000 influential business decision makers every Friday.


Over 100,000 upscale business decision makers read it! 100,000+


Average household income $275,000
Average net worth $2,640,000
Top management 54%
Owners/partners 52%
College grad/Advanced degree 74%
Influence purchase/lease of any service 86%
Influence purchase/lease of any product 81%
Company size: Less than 100 employees 59%
100-999 employees 74%
1000 or more employees 26%

Source: Readex Subscriber Study 2008, ABC Audit 2008
When you subscribe today a the Publici-Tea™ Express special rate, you enjoy a 20% savings over the standard rate. Plus, you get the Book of Lists — a $65 value — with your paid subscription.

Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle) Book of Lists provides you with listings of hundreds of the hottest area companies in their fields, by ranking. You’ll also receive the names of key decision makers, along with their titles and complete contact information.
The Book of Lists is PERFECT for sales prospecting, job search, fundraising, and business research.
Just $73.95 for 52 issues! And you get the Book of Lists, too.
Start investing time prospecting among the right potential clients with the Book of Lists as a powerful, time-saving tool. Most importantly, read the paper every week so you can be in the know about the latest business news and be in good position to pitch stories about your own company that the media can’t resist.

20% Off Order Form

To take advantage of the Publici-Tea™ Express subscription offer in the manner that suits you best.  Mail your order form to Authentic Visibility at 13605 SE 50th Place, Bellevue, WA 98006, send it by email to, or send it via fax to 425-458-9632.