Want to Make Money Blogging? Here’s a Must-Visit Resource.

Are you serious about blogging?  Do you want to make money blogging?  And do you want to make sure you use your time, resources, and creativity wisely to make the most of every move you make?  If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to these...

More Meat to the Matter on the Infopreneur Journey

Yesterday’s post offered some additional details from my 2 1/2 year journey to become a profitable infopreneur.  Today’s post fills in a few more missing pieces. The road to information product sales is not a get rich quick scheme. It’s a time...

Is it Time to Get Your Branding Right Once and For All?

A lot of people tell me they are attracted to the “Get seen, heard, and celebrated in your own backyard … and beyond” message I use to capture the essence of my company’s brand.  I always tell people I came to this tag line by learning at...