The good folks at ThinkSpace in Redmond have invited me to speak to their members and ten non-member guests on Wed., January 6 at noon about how to get known as an expert through the power of the media. Be among the first ten people to RSVP to...
I was honored to be invited by Kathleen Gage of Street Smarts Marketing to participate in her Top of Their Game Expert Teleseminar series. My day to share how to get known as an expert in your field is Tuesday, September 9 from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m....
Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook is now Available!
It’s the ultimate guide for experts, speakers and authors to transform their boring bios from wallpaper to wow to attract connections, clients and cash now.
Grab your FREE Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook Preview
to get media savvy, media ready and on message to
WOW hosts every time you take the microphone.