I got a bright idea about a year ago. What if I just opened my phone lines and invited people to call me to get help telling their stories. No teleseminar registration or opt in required. Just give me a call. I sent out a message to my community and shared the details.

  • Call me within a specific window of time on my private line. 
  • If you get voice mail, leave a message and I'll call you back. 
  • Let's see about making your story better in as few as 15 minutes.

I was worried no one would call. It was that feeling you get when you invite people to your home for a party.   The appetizers are beautifully displayed. The house is clean. And, then, you worry that no one is going to come. 

As the clock struck 9 a.m., I could feel my heart beating in my chest. And then at 9:02, the phone rang. And I got message after message. For two hours, I guided callers to tell their stories better, live and in the moment. And then, at 4:30 in the afternoon, someone sheepishly called and asked if I would help him, too. And I did.

That single courageous invitation to act on a moment of inspiration last October set me and my business on an entirely new and exciting path. Since then, I have offered these calls again and again to my own community and to the communities of people who need my help — via teleclasses, webinars, and live stages.  And this expertise of mine has earned media attention in a meaningful way.  

bloomberg-businessweek And, when you “Google” the term Business Bio Expert, my name comes up first in the search.

Let the Healing for Boring Bios Begin …. Because the Bio Doc is In!

My confidence has grown each time, and the raves from callers and participants have gotten better and better.  It has been a perfect exchange of energy for results, one and all.  And, yes, I have added the technical details such as the opt in page. I have branded the effort with sassy graphics. I even have a custom embroidered lab coat and pink stethoscope that I wear at live events. And I've served thousands of callers to date who are singing my praises in a way that makes my heart skip a beat, and their bios give THEIR clients palpitations, too.


Because I am in a particularly celebratory mood, the call I offered yesterday is one I happily share with you so you can experience what all the fuss is about.  Here is the replay link.

Just read what Katie Munoz said about the value she gained from this workshop and follow up call experience.

I’m Katie Munoz, a Humor Coach and Workshop Leader, www.fromserioustohilarious.com. I have been trying to write a bio for months and was barely making progress.  The exercises on the first day of Nancy Juetten’s Worldwide Get Your Client Attracting Story Done Workshop, allowed me to finally finish a credible bio. What a relief. I sent it to Nancy who waved her magic editing wand and turned my bio into fabulous! And ready to go. No more work required. Wow.  Even if I had received nothing else, I would have been very happy with the workshop. But during the follow up group call, Nancy mentioned how to record audio and video samples of our speaking for FREE. That’s a savings of a few thousand dollars.  And THEN Nancy demonstrated how to easily and confidently use those recordings to negotiate a substantial speaking fee. How many dollars is that worth? Priceless.   That workshop was easily the best per dollar value of any workshop that I have ever attended. Thank you, Nancy. 

  • I started out with a very low tech and high touch way of delivering the relief — one caller at a time.
  • I then took the session to Instant Teleseminar to serve even more people.
  • Today the “Bio Doc is In” session is part of the Worldwide Virtual Get Your Client Attracting Story Done Workshop that I offer just about quarterly to my own community and to others who ask.
  • And because so many people need this help, I offer it in high value ways that keep the energy exchange fair and fabulous for all.
  • No one is going to risk their mortgage payment by participating in this proven program, and isn't that refreshing?

You read about people making their way in the world by doing what they love. And I am here to tell you that I am one of them. It all started by taking action on a bright idea about how to serve my tribe in a low tech/high touch way. I wanted to solve a very real problem that millions struggle with and provide a winning solution they would be happy to buy to get the relief and the benefit.

I just had a gut feeling that I could step into a bolder way of service by taking action, and I did.  And it absolutely paid off for me and for so many others.


So, what bright ideas are brewing for you about how you can serve people in a way that feels right in your gut, heart, and head? And what actions will you take to make them real? A shiny New Year is fast approaching, and now is the time to set the wheels in motion so you can make your way in the world doing more of what you love so that everyone can be made better for the exchange.