text for download – bye bye boring

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text for download - bye bye boringIf you find that you still need a little help elevating your message to the next level of fabulous, take heart that help is just one click away in the form of your Extreme Bio Makeover. Let me write your fabulous bio for you.

I love working one-on-one with clients to coach their stories out of them. And let’s face it. It can be hard to write about yourself. With some good input from you and your willingness to answer some great questions, I’ll capture the essence of what makes you standout in today’s marketplace so your story can stand out and shine. In fact, here is a compliment from a client who enjoyed this service:

“I know what my limitations are. As a result, I often engage professional service providers.One of the hardest things to do is to talk about yourself objectively. That’s when I turned to Nancy. She’s like the ‘Bio Whisperer.’ She gets in your head and pulls the most pertinent data necessary to complete a‘who’s who’ about you. I’m very happy with her work.You will be too.”

– Robert Siciliano CEO, ID Theft Security


Interested? Read about Extreme Bio Makeover by visiting www.extremebiomakeover.com.

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If you prefer working in a group setting to connect, collaborate and connect as you create that bio you need to attract clients, speaking gigs, or media attention,consider attending the next Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Workshop.This is a hand-on workshop that offers immediate bio feedback from me and fellow event guests so you can know right away that you have nailed your best message.

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Learn more at authenticvisibility.com/bye-bye-boring-bio-action-workshop


By the way if you haven’t already signed up for my free newsletter that is always packed full of useful tips & inspiration please click here:


It’s your story. Tell it well.


Nancy Juetten

Get seen, heard, and celebrated in your own backyard…and beyond! 425-641-5214
Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/NancyJuetten


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text for download - bye bye boringDownload Instructions

  1. Simply click on the link for each item you want to download.
  2. If prompted, choose to Save file.Click Save and the file will be saved to your desktop orother location of your choice on your computer.