Thank you, Broadcast Your Brilliance Preview Call with Nancy Juetten

Thanks for signing up for the Broadcast Your Brilliance Preview Call with Nancy Juetten.

  • During this call, you will hear from two business owners who were “newbies” to publicity just two months ago who have since taken bold action to earn decisive, stunning results in the media.
  • You’ll learn the nitty-gritty details about how they did it and the lessons they applied to be so effective so fast.
  • I’ll share some useful tips to guide you to make a pitch the media can’t resist so you can have what these “newbies” are having as soon as possible.
  • And you’ll learn more about the Broadcast Your Brilliance Webinar Series starting up again on October 5, what sets it apart from other virtual workshops, and why it might be the ideal training to guide you to get seen, heard, celebrated and compensated for your expert status.

It’s going to be time well spent, one and all.
Here are the call in instructions:
Date: September 22,  Thursday
Time: 11 a.m. PST
Call in Number: 712-432-0900
Access Code: 504208# See you on the call!
Nancy “Broadcast Your Brilliance” Juetten