The Backstory on all those Big Bonus Bundles and How They Can Serve YOU!Are you scratching your head about all the bonus bundles coming your way to invite you to say YES to Callan Rush’s Magnetize Your Audience Mentoring Program?

I’d love to explain this to you because THE ULTIMATE GET KNOWN TO GET PAID strategy is now in play.

There is a lot to learn from it — especially if you are both scratching your head and also wondering how you can welcome that kind of support when you have a program like this to launch one day soon.

Let Me Spell It Out For You:

Callan is in the final moments of her big launch, and she has 78 promotional partners who are beating the drum for her program.

Enlisting the support of powerful partners to promote your products and services to the right people is the single best GET KNOWN to GET PAID strategy on the planet.  That is saying a lot since I was once a full time publicist.

== Why does this work so well?  It’s simple. These promotional partners already serve tens of thousands of success-seeking business owners who are invested in their success and taking actions to welcome more.

== These people represent a perfect audience of potential clients to benefit.  This audience can be more profitable and powerful than getting seen, heard, and celebrated in the news media.  Reaching the right people at the right time to solve a very specific problem in exchange for a fair tuition is extremely powerful for all the parties.

== With a joint venture, the LAUNCH HOST agrees to reward the partner with sales commissions for referred sales.  The LAUNCH HOST offers ready-made promotional copy to all the partners, and everyone loads the same  or similar words into their email systems to blast their tribes with the messages about the offer at hand.

== I am a bit of a maverick. I often write my own copy to speak my own truth to support partner launches.  I try to say something NEW AND TRUE that educates, informs, and offers a fresh perspective — especially since I know that you may be receiving multiple version of the partner-supplied “swipe copy” already.

== The most competitive partners offer high value bonus bundles on the last day of a launch for a few reasons.

== They want to make the offer even more valuable to those they serve so it is an “EASY YES” decision to make.  Those “bonus buyers” then become new people in their tribes for whom they can provide value and nurture so that they one day become invested clients of theirs, too.

== They want to welcome the RECOGNITION that comes with having their name noted on the Joint Venture Partner Leaderboard.  Why?  Because that is how new doors can open to welcome even more high impact relationships that can take our work far and wide to much wider audiences.

== The rewards for referring sales can add up.

So, if you have been scratching your head about what all the fuss is about with this launch, I hope this email illuminates you a bit.

What Sets Me Apart in This Launch:

I am not the biggest partner among the 78 playing in the Magnetize Your Audience launch.  What sets me apart is that I actually INVESTED in the training, put the lessons to good use, and have welcomed a 30% increase in my business this year as a direct result of applying the lessons I learned.

Many of my own messages about this launch have been PERSONAL because this program has been PERSONAL TO ME.

== Am I offering an awesome, high value bonus bundle that comes from a deep place of serve?  Yes.

== Do I love to be seen, heard, and celebrated on the JV leaderboards?  Yes.

== Is it fun to welcome “mailbox money” for referring a program I know to be world-class based on my own experience?  Absolutely.

So, I hope you have learned a bit about why partners offer bonus bundles — especially on the last day of a big launch.  And if you know of others would value this explanation, please forward this email their way!

Your Call to Action

CallaninAt one time or another, you have taken a closer look at Magnetize Your Audience as a possible solution to advance your own success.

As a trainer, workshop leader, or speaker who wants to fill your live or virtual events with greater ease to make a bigger impact and income through your work, now is the time to say YES.

The doors to Magnetize Your Audience close tonight at midnight. I’d be thrilled if you joined at my invitation.

My Bye-Bye Boring Bio/Get Known to Get Paid Bonus Bundle more than doubles your value.

And every element of the training is something relevant, useful, and powerful in supporting your big success as a trainer, workshop leader, or speaker.

Claim YOUR Place in the Magnetize Your Audience Mentoring Program now.

Take action by tonight at midnight before all the bonuses vanish.