Do you ever look at the sum total of your career or business contributions and get a BIG AHA and a fresh perspective?

In doing this myself not long ago,  I got this big AHA of a common thread that is woven throughout all of my various success reinventions over the years.

I’ve been guiding my clients to get what they want when they want it.

That is the overarching, common theme to everything I have ever done.

  • In the early days, it was truly about satisfying real hunger with fast food as I worked as a regional marketing manager and a director of marketing for two fast food companies.
  • When I turned to entrepreneurship when my baby boy turned one year old in 1998, I was very present about getting what I wanted on a schedule that would work for me.  Anyone who has ever balanced the demands of career, marriage, and new motherhood in the aftermath of post-partum depression knows what I am talking about here. I worked as a copywriter and a publicist for big clients about ten years before shifting my focus to writing books, speaking, and guiding my ‘author, expert, speaker’ clients to get known and paid.
  • From 2008 through 2017, a big focus of my work was guiding experts and speakers to earn recognition for their winning ways and the money that goes with that. Writing books, getting seen and heard, and creating multiple streams of revenue from my own brand of brilliance was a huge area of focus as I contributed to the success of my clients through my books, group training programs, and private mentoring program.
  • In 2018, together with my husband Steve – a Certified Financial Planner© Professional — we are guiding Baby Boomer married women to have control and power over their personal financial information, even after life has served up a bump in the road.  The two of us still run our mainline businesses — and www.finpath.comAND we have a gut feeling that the work we are doing with is the most important and empowering work of our lives so far.

My various reinventions are a mirror to this model called Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.  As I have grown older, my businesses have evolved to reflect where I am in my own development.  I imagine I am not the only one, but this is the first time I made that connection.

As time marches on, our interests shift. Our own definition of success evolves as we do. And the sum total of all we have learned, experienced, and achieved becomes fuel to ignite whatever may be coming next.  The cool thing about this is that the success flows with so much more ease because of the foundation of learning already achieved that sets the stage for the new initiative to succeed even faster.

You can’t force a rose to bloom. Sometimes the wine takes a good long time to come to its perfect bouquet. And when you get a big idea and have that ‘head, heart, gut’ feeling that you are onto something important and of real service, you just have to GO FOR IT.

My husband Steve and I got the bright idea to create the Life Goes on Roadmap on January 11, 2018 while waiting for a flight home from the Orange  County Airport. We took inspired action to create a gift that would compel people to opt in to subscribe and got busy building big buzz step by step.

We already have thousands of appreciative opt in subscribers and we’ve successfully completed our pilot road test of our Life Goes on Road Trip to rave reviews during which we actually held our client’s feet to the fire to get their personal financial information organized as we make it fun while they get it done.

We are inspired to serve thousands more, and the good publicity we are earning, online support we are welcoming, and the speaking and podcast guesting opportunities I am seeking out are opening doors for us to wave the flag for the newest revolution we are fighting for.  We know the best is yet to come, and we are ‘arms wide open’ to experience how that will unfold for us, our clients and our own living legacies.

While preparing to share my Redefining Success story for Kate Navarro Fessler’s podcast by the same name. these ideas came to mind. Here is the link to the podcast so you can tune in as you ponder your next reinvention!