Summer is just about here.  That means a lot of folks are thinking about how to get swimsuit ready for the beach. For me, I am starting a different kind of diet. I am calling it my ‘JV Diet.’

That means I am NOT sending promotional emails to serve and promote my strategic partners for the next 30 days.

(Did I just hear trumpets sounding in celebration?)


This is my grand experiment and contribution to an email reduction plan that can reduce the clutter in your in-box and bring the noise level of massively duplicated emails down to a dull roar.

In my prior career as a publicist, I loved creating credible buzz in the major news media for my clients.  Here’s the rub. Much of the buzz that shows up in my inbox today is large quantities of duplicated emails that have me reaching for the DELETE button at HELLO.

My ‘JV Diet’ is my way of bringing back a bit of simplicity and focus to my own work in service to your success. That means getting back to basics and serving you as best as I can with my own insights and expertise.

That means showing up at live events in my own backyard and attending events elsewhere where you and I can meet in person.

That means getting away from the endless technology that washes my enthusiasm for the work I do right down the drain.

The essence of my business is rooted in guiding you to prepare and share your stories so you can shine in the spotlight.

I am putting my focus on listening for your stories and providing insight and inspiration to make them more compelling, memorable, and client attracting.

So, where are your areas of greatest need?

>> Getting ready to get booked as a speaker?
>> Inviting speaking gigs?
>> Sharing your own special message of championship and advocacy for a cause that calls you forward?
>> Creating a talk that converts?
>> Attracting clients?
>> Packaging your programs?
>> Making your marketing message more irresistible?
>> Filling in the missing know-how?
>> Building up your confidence to overcome fear of stepping forward?

Send me an email at with your top 3 areas of greatest need.  And if you have comments about the JV Diet, please share them.

I’ll dedicate my efforts to doing my very best to share know-how, insights, and support to guide you forward in those ways.