The Invitation:

The Love Your Business Love Your Life Inner Circle  is a curated and intimate community of no more than 15 non-competing and successful lifestyle entrepreneurs pursuing success on their own terms.

This is not your average, run of the mill mastermind.

There is no “blind leading the blind” here because every member has already earned a meaningful degree of business success.

Members support each other in making important shifts in business model, marketing, and life.

The big idea is for each member to pursue aligned strategies and tactics that bring consistent and reliable income, while allowing for white space on their calendars to enjoy their lives. Members champion and advocate for each other all year long to welcome new leads, warm referrals, new clients, and sales.

I make every effort to make sure each member feels a sense of true belonging and commitment to the group from Day 1. That feeling of belonging will deepen as members contribute to each other’s success and become “Jewels in the Crown” of each other’s lives. Each member arrives at an even more rewarding and satisfying definition of success on their own terms while embracing and living that reality.

  • Each and every member already has the know-how, skill and proven track record in growing his/her own successful business. That means each member can support fellow members in growing their own know-how, expanding their possibilities, and getting to accelerate their path to success, while avoiding costly mistakes.
  • Ours is a safe, smart and sacred container in which every voice is heard every time we meet as we navigate the highs and lows of entrepreneurship and life together.
  • The inner circle is intimate and carefully curated to ensure category exclusivity and complementary expertise. For example, there will be only one book marketing mentor. There will be one sales/referral expert. Natural alliances can form without category competition.

Epic Right Fit Clients:

The Love Your Business Love Your Life Inner Circle is for you when you meet these essential criteria:

  • You shudder at the thought of another program leading with how many figures are in your income.
  • Here we don’t count zeroes and commas. What is important is that you are making a good living from doing this work and paying yourself a salary.
  • You have a offer — $1000+ — that is already selling;
  • You nurture an opt in email list of 2500 or more.
  • You love the idea of being the antidote to everything that rubs you the wrong way.
  • You are running your own best race and not blindly following advice from gurus who promise that you’ll get great results when you build your business their way.
  • You serve the “author/speaker/trainer/coach/successful service provider” audience in a complementary way to Nancy Juetten’s podcast guesting expertise.
  • You’re doing work you love without pursuing strategies or tactics that feel misaligned.
  • You are already welcoming referrals and warm introductions from advocates and champions.
  • You want to touch and transform more lives with JV partner support as you expand your impact, influence and income. You already know the JV game and want to get even better at it, while always delivering on your promotional commitments.
  • You give as much as you receive.

The Top 5 benefits are:

  • Get direct advice from proven, successful lifestyle entrepreneurs in an intimate, virtual setting.
  • Get questions answered and support to welcome better financial results without adding a single hour to your workload.
  • Receive ongoing inspiration and support to pursue a simple, elegant and profitable business model as opposed to one fraught with complexity, hustle and grind.
  • Escape the isolation of going it alone as each member is wrapped in support, month in and month out.
  • Stay on track to achieve success on your own best terms through the championship, advocacy, accountability, vetted resources, and warm introductions/referrals of fellow members.

Here’s What Current Members Say about Their Experience and Results:

  • I can’t say enough good things about Nancy Juetten and the Love Your Business, Love Your Life Inner Circle, but I’m going to try. I have been in a fair number of masterminds, coaching programs, cohorts, and business building brain trusts over the years, and I have to say that my experience in Nancy’s group blows them all out of the water!

    First of all, Nancy is the most generous and authentic leaders I have ever known. She gives 200% and then gives some more.  And some more. She is a GENIUS when it comes to not only understanding what you and your brand are all about but then distilling that insight into brilliant marketing copy, PR materials, or whatever else you need. I can’t count the number of times she came up with a perfect turn of phrase in real time right off the top of her head for my business. It’s truly magic. And she always has an eye out for how you can stretch a little further to make your dreams come true. She sees you as a unique rockstar and then reflects that back to you in the most powerful way. With her guidance, the scope and vision of my practice has grown in so many ways that I have never been more excited about the road ahead.

    And there’s another side to the Inner Circle: Love Your Life. Nancy is committed to making sure that while you’re crushing it in business, the business isn’t crushing you. What’s the point if your career is skyrocketing but your life is a stressful whirlwind of overwhelm? As she says, “let’s put more life in our years not just years in our lives.”

    In end though, a mastermind is only as good as its participants. That’s why Nancy is meticulous about vetting everyone who joins the group so that the mix of backgrounds, expertise, business styles, and complementary niches is spot on. The palpable tone that Nancy sets is one of generosity and support for each other. There’s no room for competitive one-upmanship, withholding or posturing. It’s been an honor to rub virtual elbows with other entrepreneurs who are not only super smart and successful but are completely open-handed about helping each other in just about every way you can imagine – from JV partnerships to brainstorming to laser coaching. I have to say, that the members of this tight-knit group have become my mentors, teachers, cheerleaders and most importantly, my friends. Trust me, there is nothing like this around and by the way, the investment is a small fraction of the exponential value you will get. So, if you get the chance to be invited into the Inner Circle, jump at it. Quickly.     — Tim Wade, Relationship Coach for Men

  • “Joining Nancy’s Inner Circle was one of the best decisions I’ve made since starting this business. She delights at every turn, showing up, showing out, and championing for her tribe in a way that is masterful and incredibly inspiring. She’s the kind of leader who can lead from the front of the room, the sidelines, or even the back of the room. She’s masterful in the way she creates space to advocate for and refer warm leads to her tribe. Nancy is consistent in the way she shows up, and over-delivers as a way of being. The return on investment makes it a no-brainer, if you actually need another reason to join, as partnerships and leads come from the circle. She is a blessing that just keeps giving, with so many delightful surprises along the way. Besides Nancy, the amazing and knowledgeable community she has curated has been there to lend support and cheer for the personal and business happenings of life. We are half-way through the first six months together, and I don’t want it to end.”     — Amy Janece, Image and Wardrobe Stylist
  • “Thanks to Nancy Juetten’s unwavering championship and advocacy, my business has experienced remarkable growth and success. Nancy’s support has been instrumental in promoting our annual Soulful Leadership Retreat to her community, resulting in the enrollment of 5 of her private “Inner Circle” clients to attend with her in Orlando. They each contributed to the event. Additionally, her strong endorsement of our MetaMind program to leading experts in our space has led to several new members joining who were previously hesitant. Nancy’s involvement doesn’t stop at promotion; she leads every Inner Circle gathering, offering practical advice and insights that address the challenges we face in both our businesses and personal lives. Her wisdom, coupled with the contributions of other brilliant members, has consistently provided invaluable guidance. One of Nancy’s greatest strengths lies in her strategic approach to joint ventures. Her ability to foster win-win partnerships has generated immense value for our community. This was recently exemplified when Nancy was awarded the prestigious Most Valuable Partner award at the Soulful Leadership 2024 Retreat, highlighting her exceptional contributions and outstanding leadership within our community. In essence, Nancy’s presence in my corner has not only provided tangible results for my business but has also elevated the overall success and cohesion of our community. Her dedication to excellence and her commitment to supporting fellow entrepreneurs make her an invaluable asset to anyone fortunate enough to have her by their side”.    — Mark Porteous, co-founder of the Soul Affiliate Alliance
  • “Having been an active participant in many business programs, I can say hands down that Nancy’s Inner Circle brings the highest value!  The value of warm referrals from my fellow members far exceeds my investment. The relationships formed inside the community exceed my expectations in terms of smart guidance, invaluable support in a safe and sacred container when challenges arise, and wisdom for business success and expansion. My peers have become trusted advisors, confidantes, and priceless friends. As a leader and avid advocate for her clients’ success, Nancy always over delivers and is an extraordinary example of continual learning and seeing what’s possible beyond what we might individually imagine.”  — Diana Needham, Business Book Mentor
  • “Nancy’s Love Your Business Love Your Life Inner Circle came at the exact right time. To be in ‘a room’ with other entrepreneurs who are supportive, giving and have expertise in parallel businesses is so valuable. Nancy gives 150% (if not more) and is so focused on your growth. I’m overcoming obstacles (mental and strategic), my sales have increased dramatically from warm referrals (which makes the investment a no brainer), I’ve created partnerships and collaborations that are moving my business forward in ways I didn’t think possible, and we are only 4 months in! Best decision I’ve made in years.”     — Lyndsay Phillips; Podcast Repurposing, CEO, Founder Smooth Sailing Business Growth & Smooth Business Podcasting

High Value Bonuses for Every Member!

  • Accelerate your impact when Nancy promotes your lead magnet or other mutually agreeable offer to her well nurtured, responsive email subscriber list as a JV partner on a mutually agreeable date to drive clicks and opt ins for you – BAM!
  • Amplify your expert authority when Nancy interviews you on the Learn More Earn More Show, pushes the episode out to 1000 or more YouTube subscribers, and includes a link for viewers to download your free gift or take advantage of your special invitation – WOW!
  • Receive VIP access to the Podcast Dream Guest Mastery Online Course so you learn how to become the podcast guest top hosts can’t wait to booka $297 value.
  • Benefit from Nancy’s eyes on your media one sheet for podcast guesting. You’ll get 3 message upgrades or more to make you even more compelling to top podcast hosts because you can’t see the label when you are in the jar – a priceless value.
  • Receive a 3-Month Trial Membership in the Self Growth JV Directory – founded by Mark Porteous and David Riklan — to access even more potential partners and co-collaborators to amplify success without going it alone. This includes an on-boarding call so you know how to make the most of your membership AND a private 45-minute JV strategy session with Mark Porteous– a $1000 value.
  • Attend a one-day IN PERSON MASTERMIND SESSION in Orlando, Florida hosted by Nancy Juetten the first week of February 2025. This session will take one day before Mark and Renee Porteous’ 6th Annual Soulful Leadership Retreat at the Reunion Resort. In 2024, this event was attended by 112+ movers and shakers in the coaching and transformation space and earned amazing raves for value, impact, connection, and being a fertile ground from which remarkable JV deals took shape to grow. As we meet before the NEXT event starts to welcome similar benefits, we make the most of our opportunity to escape Zoom to be eye to eye, knee to knee and face to face as we dig into some of the challenges and opportunities we are contending with and brainstorm smart, efficient and aligned ways to meet them to succeed in life and business even more – a $3000 value.
  • These bonuses are valued at more than $4297!

Full Pay AMAZING AND HIGH VALUE Benefits for Members Who are ALL IN from Day 1:

  • Members who choose the FULL PAY option benefit from 4 private 45 minute virtual sessions with Nancy throughout the one-year journey. Sessions can be used for messaging magic, JV strategy, copy review, publicity or podcasting insights, or any other issue within Nancy’s expertise to support your expansion, leadership and business growth – a $2000 value.
  • Grow your list through aligned giveaways all year long! Benefit from a year-long Pro level membership for Infinite List, founded by Michael Neeley and Krista Inochovsky. This membership opens the door for you to host a giveaway of your own and participate in as many as you like. In addition, Nancy will host and coordinate one of the giveaways under a very specific and relevant theme and invite every member to participate as everyone’s email opt in subscriber lists grows by leaps and bounds😊. This is a $1675 value.
  • These FULL PAY benefits are valued at $3675+!

Limiter – We all start at the same time to ensure the group bonds and starts deepening relationships from Day 1.

  • Join by September 1, 2024 as we START an amazing year-long journey together.
  • We’ll meet the first and third Thursday of each month from 9 – 11 a.m. Pacific.
  • Renewals are welcome and encouraged by mutual agreement.

The Tuition:

  • $10,000 for a year PAY IN FULL or $850 a month for the monthly payment plan

About Your Leader Nancy Juetten

Nancy Juetten has made quite a name for herself on the online marketing space since she hung out her shingle in 2001. This is after 20 years of working as a marketing director, copywriter, and brand builder for two quick service restaurant chains  — Jack in the Box and Taco Time. She even wrote the “I Love Taco Time” jingle and will sing it for you if asked.

Nancy has since sold $2+ million in products, services, and programs while earning a stellar reputation as a high integrity service provider, writer, publicist, trainer, speaker, and community builder who inspires, serves, and supports her clients and co-collaborators in her “go the extra mile” way. She earned the Most Valuable Partner award in 2024 as presented by Mark and Renee Porteous at their 2024 Soulful Leadership Retreat for her ongoing and results generating efforts to serve, advocate, and champion their most important business initiatives. In 2022, her clients awarded her the Star of Excellence Award with appreciation, recognition, and acknowledgement for exemplary expertise in building and nurturing a community that rises together. This reward was of special significance since Nancy was enduring cancer treatment most of that year and didn’t reveal her illness until the award showed up at her doorstep. Nancy is the walking-talking demonstration of the “how you do anything is how you do everything” mantra. Nancy has built a loyal and responsive list of opt in subscribers, a Facebook community of 3500+ members, and  a 1030+ audience for her YouTube channel. She has surprised and delighted her clients with her ability to transform their word struggles into compelling copy that turns heads, engages, and translates to sales. She’s been called a JV Leader Board Topping Angel by icons of influence in the coaching space and has the track record over a decade of delivering value and impact for her partners.

Leading the Love Your Business Love Your Life Inner Circle is the best work she’s ever done. The inspiration to create it was among the silver linings of navigating a life-threatening illness and coming out victorious. She often says, “Love your business, Love your life.  Because one without the other isn’t good enough.”  She can’t wait to curate and lead the next intimate cohort so clients say things like, “We are only half-way through this session, and I don’t want it to end” and “her dedication to excellence and her commitment to supporting fellow entrepreneurs make her an invaluable asset to anyone fortunate enough to have her by their side.”

What she’s created is remarkable and special in so many ways.

If you’ve not met her yet, tune into this standing ovation keynote to hear her inspiring entrepreneurial and life story. Turn up the volume so you hear her message loud and clear.
