If you have been curious about the effect that appearances on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show or even passing mentions by Winfrey can have on entrepreneurs and their businesses, watch “The Oprah Effect” tonight at 10 p.m. (PST) on CNBC.

How thrilling for my colleague and “Get Booked on Oprah” Expert Susan Harrow to be one of the people  interviewed for this enlightening broadcast.  She has written “The Ultmate Guide to Getting Booked on Oprah.” It’s a must-have resource for anyone truly serious about inviting major media attention — especially from Oprah.

I often tell my clients to aim high with their pitching and to pitch every media outlet as if they were pitching Oprah.   The quality shows, and your stories and your growing business success will be well served by taking this approach.

When you earn one fabulous media placement in the media outlet of your choice, based on the outstanding lessons Susan teaches in her super training kit, how many more of your perfect clients will emerge to do business with you, and how much will that matter to your bottom line? It’s best to learn from the experts, and Susan is the best in that regard. I followed her advice and earned a media placement for Seattle Chocolate Company in O The Oprah Magazine.   You can, too.

For my money, tonight’s broadcast is “must see TV.” And Susan’s kit is among the best DIY publicity tools on the market today.    I hope you will be watching, taking notes, and making your own winning plans to invite the media attention you and your growing company deserve.  By the way, you can enter a contest on Susan’s site to win the Ultimate Guide to Getting Booked on Oprah: Super Training Kit.  Just visit her site and follow the easy instructions.  And invite your do-it-yourself publicity seeking friends and colleagues to enter, as well.  You have nothing to lose and a great deal to gain.