Whether you are earning your own publicity or doing something else for the first time on a do-it-yourself basis, the thrill and pride of accomplishment that you feel is pretty darn priceless.
Case in point. Earlier in the week, I helped my son Kyle bake his first batch of homemade brownies. He is 11 years old and eager to get his hands into better groceries. I helped by setting out all the ingredients he would need, along with the recipe. Then, I stood nearby to help him as he added one ingredient after the other to the mixing bowl and then to the baking pan.
When the timer went off and the brownies were ready, Kyle was first to the oven — baking mitts in hand — to place them on the cutting board to cool. My husband Steve and I were delighted about 20 minutes later when Kyle delivered freshly baked and very delicious , warm-from-the-oven brownies to each of us. They were delicious. And the pride in my son’s face for having baked them himself was priceless. I know that experience is one of many pride moments Kyle will enjoy as he tries new things for the first time and brings about good results.
Whether you are baking something for the first time or going about the business of earning your own publicity in your own backyard … and beyond, the sense of accomplishment for your efforts and results is very similar. You no longer have to rely on others for what you want because you’ve taken the steps to learn how to successfully do things yourself. That’s all good.
Here’s to better brownies, better groceries, precious time with those we love to enjoy all of it, and plenty of do-it-yourself publicity successes for all!