When everyone else is on vacation and making merry, it can be a great time to earn the ink and the air through the power of free publicity. Here is a last-minute PR pitch I made to ride on the recommendation of The Today Show to offer holiday gifts that make great financial sense. We’ll see what magic flows from this effort and remain optimistic that big ink and air will be coming to a local newspaper or radio or television broadcast soon. And, if this timely advice is well timed for your needs or those you know, thanks in advance for spreading the good news.


Contact: Nancy S. Juetten, 425-641-5214, nancy@nsjmktg.com

Local Certified Financial Planners Prepare for a Flurry of Orders for Fee-Only Planning Services,

Thanks to THE TODAY SHOW Suggestion for a Great Last Minute Gift That Keeps on Giving

(Bellevue, WA – December 22, 2007) — The weather outside is frightful, and Christmas is just three days away. That’s why the TODAY SHOW suggestion of gift certificates for fee-only financial planning services on the website yesterday (https://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/22361389/) and the nationally televised TV morning show on Monday has local certified financial planners bracing for action.

Certified Financial Planner™ Steve Juetten has already experienced a rush for appointments as 2007 fast comes to a close. “This week, I’ve had back-to-back appointments with potential clients eager to get their problems solved. They have even demanded appointments. Getting the financial house in order is definitely something that locals are craving this holiday and into the New Year,” Juetten said.

Those who take advantage of THE TODAY SHOW suggestion will be able to purchase gift certificates for a specific dollar amount to be redeemed with any Garrett Planning Network member across the USA. Juetten is the only Garrett Planning Network members in Bellevue, WA — which is also home to plenty of affluent people who care about making every cent count. Recipients simply present their gift certificates to their CFP® of choice to benefit from fee-only financial planning services to get their New Year off to a fiscally responsible start. They visit a planner and explain the financial help they need. Fees range from $150 to $300 an hour. Two hours of advice could be split into two sessions. One could be used to work out a plan to get out of debt, and the other used to learn how to re-balance a stock portfolio or retirement savings.

Now that THE TODAY SHOW is bringing this last minute common cents gift idea to America just in time for Christmas, Juetten is turning the page on his 2007 calendar and preparing for a busy first quarter. For those craving useful tips right now, Juetten offers these timely suggestions:

Juetten’s Five Common Cents Money Tips for the New Year:


  1. Have goals. The saying, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there” especially applies to financial planning. Take time now to set some financial goals that you can accomplish in the next year. For example, track your spending, get out of debt (or at least reducing it to $x) or increase the amount you save for retirement to X% of your pay.
  2. Create a will. Many people don’t bother with a proper will, but if you die without one, the state determines how your assets are divided. A will is even more critical if you have minor children. Without one, the state chooses guardians. You can create a will with a simple computer program or even use an on-line tool. Be sure to see a qualified attorney if you have questions or need help.
  3. Diversify investments. As the recent stock market turmoil shows, putting all your investment eggs into one basket is very risky. Instead, spread your investment dollars among a variety of index funds that track different indexes – large and small U.S. stocks, non-U.S. stocks and short term bonds at a minimum.
  4. Read a good book. “There is another great, last, minute gift suggestion,” Juetten says. You owe it to yourself (and your family) to be as smart about basic money issues as you can. Ignore the hype of the media and stick to money basic books like The Coffeehouse Investor (Bill Schultheis), Personal Finance Workbook for Dummies (Sheryl Garrett), The Truth About Money (Ric Edelman), Making the Most of Your Money (Jane Bryant Quinn).
  5. Have a rainy day savings account. Everyone needs at least three months of liquid savings so they are ready for life’s twists and turns. If a tree falls through the roof, the dishwasher gives up or someone loses a job, you need to have a cash cushion to fall back on. You’ll sleep better at night too.

“A good financial plan can be the calm in the storm that offers peace of mind, no matter how wet or snowy the weather,” Juetten says.

Juetten Personal Financial Planning LLC:

Visit www.finpath.com to learn more about Juetten Personal Financial Planning Services LLC and https://www.finpath.com/myqualifications.php to learn more about Juetten’s qualifications. He is happy to interview with the news media as the holiday gift giving season escalates to a fever pitch. He can be reached directly at 425-373-9393 (office) or 425-829-9593 (cell) or by email at steve@finpath.com.

The Garrett Planning Network, Inc.

What: An international network of independent financial advisors and planners who offer hourly, as-needed financial planning and advice to anyone regardless of income or net worth.

Target Audience: Beginners, middle-income consumers, and do-it-yourselfers.

Fees for Services: Billing hourly, as needed; individual advisors set hourly fees; some advisors also work on a retainer basis.

Headquarters: Shawnee Mission, Kansas (Kansas City metropolitan area)

Network Founder: Sheryl Garrett, CFP®

Year Founded: 2000

Number of Members: Approximately 260 across the United States and overseas, including Bellevue, WA-based CFP® Steve Juetten.

Membership Guidelines: Members pay an annual licensing fee in exchange for network training, support and participation. Members also must be CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certificants or actively working toward that designation, independently registered in the state in which they practice or with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and adhere to a strict code of conduct, ethics, and compensation.

Media Hotlines: (866) 260-8400; after hours (on tight deadline only, please): (913) 484-5232.