In November of 2020, I invested in the Kelly Roach Unstoppable Entrepreneur business incubator program. Something about the “live launch method” she was teaching resonated with my own value of seeing, hearing, and celebrating others. I felt compelled to go “all in” to learn the method and see what other lessons I could learn to advance my business.

The truth for me at that time was that I was emerging from a couple of tough years along the road of life.

In business since 2001, I hustled my way to a multiple six-figure business over time as I got known and paid for my expertise as a workbook author, a workshop leader, and a publicity expert who helped others shine in the spotlight. The first workbook debuted in 2009, followed by a second edition in 2010. I got a little bit internet famous for it as any Google search will reveal.

Then, life hit the fan within the 2017 – 2019 window in a big way. Big D’s such as diagnosis, disease, divorce of a close family member, and death were front and center.

To add insult to injury, our home was burglarized. The thieves drove away from the broken glass of the crime scene with most of our valuables, while stealing both of our cars besides.

That incident signaled a reason to sell the house and move to a new city and deal with all the adjustments that come with that.

My business was derailed by the drama.

Then, COVID 19 struck in March of 2020.

Despite the dire nature of these circumstances, I declared that all the prior setbacks were my set up for a comeback. I took massive actions to relaunch my business.

My first step was to completely update the Bye-Bye Boring Bio Workbook to serve experts, speakers, authors, and messengers who needed to raise their voices and make their impact through virtual speaking and podcast guesting. The preview of the workbook debuted on the Amazon Kindle store the first week of July 2020, earning #1 Amazon best-seller status in four categories. Then, the full- length workbook debuted in September of 2020 to warm reviews and sales, especially as I hosted my first 5-Day challenge to help celebrate.

Encouraged by early results, I decided to enroll in the Unstoppable Entrepreneur program in November of 2020 to see what more I could accomplish.

I’ve come so far within one year’s time and am so happy and grateful.

Here are a few highlights. I:

  • Ramped up revenues to over 6 figures within one year with a healthy profit margin by implementing the “live launch method” four times this year. The most successful launch of the year took place in September of 2021. I can now repeat it multiple times over the course of a year to see about continuing to serve, grow, and profit.
  • Created a masterclass to allow me to drive sales between launches and welcomed invitations to deliver it to audience members for Direct Pay, Toastmasters International, Bay Area Consultants Network, Amazing Women Entrepreneurs, and many other appreciative groups.
  • Designed and delivered a leveraged group program that I love to lead and from which clients get the promised results, while keeping my focus on that specific offer.
  • Crafted a few items for my a la carte that excite me, while offering ways for clients to do business with me. Sales are flowing.
  • Decided to stop discounting or running sales and instead focus on adding value and standing in and on my value. This is big – especially since my first information product was two publicity tips booklets that I sold for $10 each way back in the day. While there is always more progress to be made with regard to assigning fair value to products, programs and services, this gal has come a long way in that regard.
  • Learned how to enroll clients between live launches that works seamlessly with the current leveraged group program by leading with the masterclass and delivering it live.
  • Grew in my camera confidence and content delivery, relying considerably less on PowerPoint slides while keeping the focus on showing up powerfully and authentically in service.
  • Got serious about connecting personally with potential clients via direct messaging, private emails, and other ways to connect in a sincere and uncommon way.
  • Focused on becoming more skilled and comfortable leading enrollment conversations with potential clients, while always making sure they are better off for having connected – whether or not they buy.
  • Met amazing people from within the UE group to provide launch support, elevate the design of my website and sales pages, and guest on my Learn More Earn More YouTube show. A new home page debuted today.
  • Spoke up on scores and scores of podcasts, generating leads, clients, connections and cash in my business, while consistently delivering a live show weekly from within my Facebook group.
  • Earned prestige publicity placements to elevate my authority on The Huffington Post and .
  • Grew my Facebook group from 920 to 2540, while keeping focus on inviting engagement and delivering value daily.
  • Grew my YouTube channel subscriptions from 232 to 411 within the last year. That is growth of 179 subscriptions along with 8400 video views, 9817 watch hours.

I showed up for the training calls, made good use of the online learning portal, asked for help and support, and leaned in to do the work. On tough days, I binge listened to The Kelly Roach Podcast for message and mindset inspiration. It’s been one amazing year.  The Unstoppable Entrepreneur Business Incubator was the catalyst for me to turn prior setbacks into the set up for a comeback.If this post ignites your curiosity to learn more about the UE program, this link makes it easy to learn more.

If we met during the course of the year and you’d like to stay in touch, let’s make that happen. If you’ve found this post, the “contact us” link will bring us together in short order.