
Truth be told, I suffered from this ailment for quite a while.

I accepted invitations to speak, spent hours to create original material, and rehearsed my presentations for hours before showing up live or by webinar to deliver them.

With high hopes and even higher expectations, I would show up and deliver the best content I knew how to deliver.

And, sad to say, my results were disappointing.

What I wanted was to welcome a rush to the back of the room or to my online shopping cart to invest in the products or programs I was promoting.  Instead, I’d welcome warm applause, new fans and friends, and go home with a basket of business cards and disappointing sales.

Not only did they love me and not buy from me, I was guilty of a number of sins as a presenter.

== I over delivered on content and went “over the arc” way too often. That didn’t invite sales and created exhaustion for me.

== I needed to rethink the value of structure and shift my thinking to believe that “structure is friend not foe.” For an artist like me, that was BIG.

== My program descriptions needed a booster shot of results based titles to be even more action inducing.  This was a “duh moment” for sure.

== Being a student of the structure and the template is one thing. Learning to put ME in the presentation was another thing entirely.  I was fighting that tooth and nail.

It was maddening to tell you the truth.  For as hard as I was working, my results were just not good enough.

At the end of 2013, I got to that “now or never” point where something had to change.

I got serious about finding a teacher to guide my transformation as a virtual workshop leader and speaker.  Master Workshop Leader and Trainer Callan Rush offered many of her best content for free last November to help ease my pain. I quickly consumed her book, event filling blue print, and special report and got serious about improving my results.

So impressed I was with the quality of her free materials that I invested in her Magnetize, Monetize, and Mesmerize training.

I declared 2014 to be my year to significantly improve the design and delivery of my offerings for BIG results.

My results have been specific, terrific, and they keep getting better.

== I attended the Magnetize training in January of 2014.  En route home from Canada to Bellevue, I wrote an email to serve my tribe with powerful education and sent it when I arrived home.  To my delight, I earned back my full tuition in the three programs within 48 hours with paid enrollments in my own Worldwide Virtual Get Your Story Done Workshop.

== Clients, fans, and followers have noticed the change in my presentations and voted with their purchases at the shopping cart and in th back of the room when I speak.

== Year to date for 2014, my sales are up 30%.

== Now that I have a proven way to structure and deliver my presentations, I spend significantly less time preparing new material so my focus can be on delivering the material I create with impact, authenticity, and PRESENCE.

== I think the biggest lesson I have learned from participating in the training is to bring my full self to every talk — in all my colors.  The more REAL I am, the better my results.

Wealth Through Workshops


When this student was ready, the right teacher appeared, and my business is so much better today as a result.

So, if you are sick and tired of suffering from “They Loved Me, But They Didn’t Buy From Me” disease and it is time to bring in the relief, take a close look at the free training Callan Rush is offering to open your eyes to a better way to design and deliver your programs.   It absolutely paid off for me.