I’ve been heartened by the great feedback that has been coming in about the new Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide. Today, I heard from Tips Booklet Queen Paulette Ensign, who has a pretty sassy bio of her own to make her speaking introductions delight audiences in her own backyard and well beyond.

Paulette Ensign has personally sold well over a million copies of her own tips booklet, ‘110 Ideas for Organizing Your Business Life,’ without spending a penny on advertising. She did this with no business training, and enough guts and natural irreverence to figure it all out as she went. Her first career was more than a decade of happily teaching string instruments in public elementary schools, before becoming a professional organizer from 1983 until the mid 1990’s after she wrote her booklet. Paulette has unwittingly become The Booklet Queen since writing her booklet in 1991. With a sense of humor and a ‘can-do’ attitude, Paulette shares her experiences with clients and audiences worldwide, through her consulting, speaking, and teleseminar services and products. Many of her clients have matched and surpassed her sales results.

Paulette made a cross-country move from metro New York to a mile from the beach in San Diego, California in 1996 without missing a beat in her business because of the role that booklets play. When asked why she moved, her answer has consistently been “It doesn’t snow in San Diego.” Have fun exploring Paulette’s site at www.tipsbooklets.com.

Please notice that she makes clear her stunning results, sassy sound bites, succinct stories, and some personal information to make it easy for potential clients to connect with her. You know right away — one way or the other — if she is the expert you want to engage. That, my friends, is the recipe for bio success.

Paulette offers these glowing words of praise for “Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide”

“Nancy Juetten has provided an excellent solution for the many professionals who need to blast their boring bio into oblivion forever. Her clear, simple, comprehensive approach is nothing short of magical. It’s just the right number of words with just enough examples to make this a must-have for anyone who needs to let their world know a slice of who they are and what they bring to the party.”

— Paulette Ensign,www.tipsbooklets.com

Thanks Paulette.

By the way, you can purchase the review copy of this new guide for just $29 through July 31, or you can invest a bit more ($49) to enjoy the “Anytime, Anywhere Publici-Tea™ Express Digital Download which includes the Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action guide within the comprehensive bundle of written and audio information. Either way, these are fabulous values for the investment. This $49 offer for the “Anytime, Anywhere” digital download  expires August 31, 2009.  Enjoy!