Have you ever read the bio for a lawyer and remembered what you read to the point where you were in ready to recommend his services even before you met him in person?  That is the kind of bio that John O’Grady is now proud to share with his clients.  He and I worked together to craft his story.  The most important question I asked during our discovery session was this one.  What was the moment in your life when you knew this would be the path you’d travel in your career?   His answer turned my head and spoke volumes about why he is the best possible athlete to guide clients to resolve their estate battles.

John says, “My clients tell me that my new bio is the best they have ever seen.”  Best of all, it is telling a story uniquely his own in service to clients who need his particular brand of brilliance.

Read on to learn more about Mediator and Estate Planning Lawyer John O’Grady, and get in touch and refer him to those in your world who can benefit.

John E. O'GradyIt’s not easy to talk about death, wills, trusts, terminal illness, or loss.  Conflicts about family money and elder care can put important relationships at risk.  Mediator and Estate Planning Lawyer John O’Grady’s legacy is alive every time he guides people to resolve their conflicts so they stay connected and in conversation for a lifetime.

Since 1989, John has successfully mediated hundreds of inheritance, co-ownership, and business disputes. Seemingly insurmountable and unspeakable conflicts come to resolution as a direct result of his attentive listening and thoughtful questions. Described as direct, empathetic, and non-judgmental, John’s persistent, calm demeanor is the foundation from which he skillfully guides people who are stuck in power struggles to come to terms and get beyond their conflicts.

John’s path to pursue this work is personal. Soon after law school graduation, John’s sister, husband, and infant son were tested HIV positive. John’s journey through grieving the illness and passing of his sister and husband was the most painful and transformative experience of his life. He is adept at encouraging people to talk about unspeakable issues such as death, legacy and loss. His heart-felt compassion and understanding guide people in conflict to resolutions with grace.

There is inherent tension between talking about disagreements and coming to terms. Family mediations often merit more than one meeting as conflicts have usually escalated over time. Participants reach agreements that bring them together over time when they are open to facing traumatic life and death issues and willing to change. This end result is priceless.

John owns and operators a full service estate planning law firm.  He is chair of The Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Section of the Bar Association of San Francisco. John trains lawyers and mental health professionals in mediation skills for elder care and inheritance.  Learn more at ogradylaw.com.