Cynthia Flash, a Bellevue-based publicist, stopped by my offices today and gave me timely reason to grin, given today’s historic election.  She is a Sarah Palin look-a-like who dressed up in designer jacket with a faux $25,000 price tag, expensive jewelry, and well-coiffed hair to campaign for Obama today.  The sign she created reads:  Not Me for VP – Vota Obama. She was on her way to a busy traffic intersection in Bellevue, WA to spread her message just moments ago.  I took a couple of photos of Cynthia in costume with her campaign sign with my digital camera.  They certainly demonstrate the similarities between her likeness and that of Vice Presidential Candidate Palin. Cynthia told me that she has been approached a number of times while dining at local restaurants and enjoying local theater performances that she is the spitting image of Palin.  Now, she is in action to campaign for Obama, bringing grins to passers by who are, no doubt, en route to make their own voting decisions today.  I compliment Cynthia on declaring her opinion and having the courage to be heard on this important day in our nation’s history.  Have you cast your ballot yet today?  Please do.  It’s a privilege to be heard.