It’s President’s Day, and I am actually observing this national holiday.  That is an “alert the media” moment for sure. Those of you who run and own your own businesses know that taking a day off from time to time is rare and something to celebrate.

steve-juetten-cfpe284a22img241betsy23Since it is President’s Day, allow me to share two timely posts from Personal Finance Examiner Columnist Steve Juetten and Women in Business Examiner Columnist Betsy Talbot.

Did you know that Lincoln passed away without a will?   Juetten offers that interesting factoid as good reason to share timly tips on estate planning.   Talbot is celebrating women president’s at her Examiner blog, and Seattle Chocolate Company CEO Jean Thompson wins her place in cyberspace for today.  This post is even on “the best of” Examiner on the home page today.  By the way, if you haven’t yet seen Jean extremedarktrufflebarlores2Thompson’s latest YouTube interview, here is the link to part one, and here is the link to part two.  You’ll learn a lot about her journey to bring “What Happiness Tastes Like™” to a nation of chocolate loving women — and the people who love them — all across the USA.

If you have not yet starting paying attention to the blogs at, start today.  Every single columnist is charged with making 3-4 timely posts each week, and your expertise, tips, and story ideas could very well make their jobs a whole lot easier.  I challenge you to take a look to see if there is a columnist posting there who can benefit from what you have to offer and to make your pitch this coming week.  Are you game?  I hope so.  Great coverage is waiting.