Tips and Resources to Help You Promote Your Book and Your Expert Status

The 2nd Annual Publici-Tea™ and Book Publishing Summit with your hosts Nancy Juetten and Patrick Snow was a big success.


Over 130 people attended and raved about the quality content shared about how to decide if publishing a book is the right strategy and how to get seen, heard, celebrated and COMPEN$ATED for your expert status.  And, everyone had a fabulous time.
Just watch this video to see the great connections and fun had by all, and share this video and content with everyone you know so this quality content can spread far and wide to the betterment of all:

(Insert Video Here)

Click here — Welcome to Publici-Tea – 12-10-2010 —  to access the PowerPoint presentation from the Dec. 10 event.

If you’d like to get started preparing YOUR story, here are four great ways to begin:

  1. Sign up for your copy of Bye-Bye Boring Bio.
  2. Register for an upcoming Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Workshop.
  3. Sign up for your own Extreme Bio Makeover.
  4. Sign up for three Build YOUR Buzz Strategy Sessions.

And, you can access two content-rich audio MP3 files from the event when you offer your email address right here:

Your Name

Your Email Address

Below you will find additional tips and resources to help you promote your book and your expert status.  Of course, joining a book mentoring program would be at the top of the list because having an expert guide you through all the steps is going to save you lots of time and build your confidence.

Patrick Snow can help you with that!   And, when you mention “Nancy Juetten” when you make your commitment, Patrick will offer you the special “Nancy Juetten” rate on your coaching program!  You’ll save big time over the published rate.

  • Join Patrick Snow’s Book Mentoring Program to be guided, step by step, to achieve a finished book with his track record, support, and other resources keeping you in action and accountable to achieve your goal.
  • Buy John Kremer’s book — 1001 Ways to Market Your Books — and work your way into action on all of his tips.
  • Subscribe to John Kremer’s ezine at
  • Subscribe to Dan Poynter’s Ezine at
  • Post your book for review at
  • Post your book for review via Dan Poynter’s ezine.
  • Share your free e-books for posting on John Kremer’s website.
  • Write a content and tips-rich press release about your book and share it via Dan Janal’s Guaranteed Press Release program.   Find his link on the “N” list page of this blog.
  • Be sure to describe yourself as the author of  or the forthcoming author of in your various bios.
  • When you speak, be sure to invite meeting planners to purchase your books in large quantities so everyone in the audience can benefit from your amazing book.
  • Create workshops, teleseminars, webinars, and other content to bring the content within your book alive for larger groups.
  • Offer a “pink spoon” of your book by sharing the first chapter as a free gift when people subscribe to your ezine.
  • Scan media query services for leads that can benefit from your commentary, especially since you are the author of …
  • Write articles that showcase the content within your book, and post them to online article directories like,, and
  • Accept invitations to share your commentary on radio and television shows.
  • Advertise your book and expertise via Radio TV Interview Report so program directors from coast to coast can be compelled to interview you and extend your message far and wide.  Find the link to RTIR on the N list page of this blog.
  • Advertise your book on Help a Reporter Out —
  • Make guest blog posts on high authority sites.
  • Create YouTube videos to showcase the content you share and create curiosity and buying interest.
  • Create a contest in which the fifth person to comment on your blog, Re-Tweet your post on Twitter, or takes some other action earns a chance to win your book.
  • Offer your book as a prize to invite conference registrants to register early.
  • Offer your book in a prize drawing  for those who fill out conference evaluations after the fact.
  • Invite joint venture partners to advocate for your book in exchange for affiliate commissions or referral fees.
  • Add your own ideas to this list.
  • Then, act on them to see what magic can manifest.

These suggestions work.   Just “Google” the term “Bye-Bye Boring Bio” and see how well they have worked for me! You’ve worked hard to get that book out of your head and onto paper.  Now, the real work begins.  Spend the next three years nurturing your new book to best-seller status, or something better.

It’s Your Story.  Tell It Well.  And Start Today.