Have you been getting lots of invitations to become a “Fan” at Facebook for many of the businesses your friends, colleagues, and family own and operate? Are your eyes glazing over because you don’t know what that means or why you should say “yes?” You are not alone.
Let me make is very easy for you. The reason you are getting these requests is that your “Fan” page on Facebook is the only place on the site at which you are allowed to officially promote your business. The rest of the site is intended for “social” networking.
Since promoting my business is important to me, today I took the plunge and set up a “Fan” page for the Publici-Tea™ Express Workshops I host every month. Hundreds of prior guests are already passionate about the value and impact these events deliver for them, and earning more fans is my highest business priority.
I started at this link. Then, the system walked me through the easy steps, including how to upload an event image to lend visual interest to my page. Within minutes, my page was set up. Then, I invited my Facebook friends to “Become a Fan.” I also sent a personal email to those who attended my most recent Publici-Tea™ Express event to join my club. Within 30 minutes, there were eight fans showing up at my page, which gave me some feedback and encouragement that the brief time I spent figuring out how to make this work was worthwhile.
Are all my business development opportunities now solved because I have a “Fan” page on Facebook? Absolutely not! Today, I just took the first step toward building this aspect of my business community. What happens next depends upon the tenacious, passionate, and consistent actions that I take every day. Rome wasn’t built in a day, my citizens, It happened brick by brick!
To make it easy and trouble-free to set up your fan page, buy Publicity Hound Joan Stewart’s latest report, entitled, “11 Ways to Avoid Missed Opportunities on Facebook.”
Oh, by the way, If you are a fan of the Publici-Tea™ Express Workshop, I’d be honored to welcome you to my Facebook fan page.
And, I’d be honored to welcome you to one of three upcoming workshops coming to Seattle Design Center this fall. Read all about the Publici-Tea™ Express and anticipate a delicious experience that will unlock even more useful tips and tools to support your DIY publicity success.