Tips Booklets Example Tips

97 Powerful Ways to Profit from Free Publicity
Authentic Visibility Vol. 1

This booklet shows you how to identify, target, prepare, and share your story and learn how to become a published author fast. Here are just a few example tips to show you what you can expect within the action-packed booklet:

14. Know thy media outlets. Read and listen to reporters who write about your industry and have the influence and credibility to spread your story far and wide. Paying attention to the people who report the news ultimately helps you craft winning story pitches and press releases that will compel them to pay attention to you or your story.

26. Believe in the power of cyberspace and the U.S. mail. Calling reporters to ask if they received your press release doesn’t serve you or your story in the least. Those calls annoy and distract deadline-driven reporters and offer no added value. If you insist on telephone follow up, offer late breaking news that makes your press release even more compelling and worth writing about.

31. Go beyond the notion that if it bleeds it leads. It is not necessarily so. Sometimes, TV and print assignment desk editors crave visuals on the lighter side of the news. Capturing the magic of the downtown holiday lights or the last minute Easter rush at the local chocolate shop can provide timely, relevant, refreshing, and visual news. These kinds of stories can serve as the close to any local news broadcast or grace the cover of your local newspaper.

74. Avoid the dreaded LAQ. LAQ stands for “lame ass quote.” “I am just so excited to bring my product to market,” “We are pleased to have the opportunity to play the game,” and “I’m just happy to help the ball club” are LAQ examples. These statements might work for the movies, but they don’t offer much value to inform readers, listeners, or viewers.

50 Powerful Publicity Boosters to Build Your Business
Authentic Visibility Vol 2.

This booklet shows you how to employ ezines, award contests, seminars, and "Jumbo Shrimp Marketing" into the media relations mix to achieve extraordinary results.

Here are just a few example tips to show you what you can expect within Vol. 2:

3. Demonstrate your expertise and value over time via an electronic newsletter, also known as an ezine. The beauty of ezines is that prospects sign-up to receive them through a form on the home or contact pages on your Web site. In doing so, they declare their interest in what you have to offer, though they may not yet be ready to engage your services/products right now. When they are ready to get into action with your area of expertise, you will be among the first professionals they call.

17. Invite new subscribers. Register your ezine to sites such as Here ezine readers and publishers from coast to coast and worldwide can review a brief and compelling summary about your ezine and elect to opt-in. Plus, this helps your name and company name pop up more readily in the search engines.

20. Enter award contests. Choose competitions that are well-supported by the media in your industry or community. Select legitimate and prestigious contests that reinforce your company’s core values, strategic initiatives, and marketing claims.

28. Host webinars or teleseminars to share your expertise with clients, prospects, and reporters. Visit or to learn how.

37. Promote your events on The “community” section of this site is an online bonanza of publicity opportunities to reach potential customers from hundreds of cities across the nation.

39. Practice “Jumbo Shrimp Marketing.” This concept comes from John Moore of Brand Autopsy (, who says being the best — and not necessarily the biggest — at what you do is the way to advance. Grow your business larger by taking a genuine, personal interest in your customer’s success.

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