Sheila Lukins (1942 – 2009), author of the landmark Silver Palate Cookbook, passed away recently.  In a tribute in today’s Parade magazine, we learn a great deal about her life in one column of well-worded text.

Stunning Results:

With her flair for creating lively dishes with interesting flavors, she inspired millions of us to expand our horizons in the kitchen.  Her cookbooks have sold more thant 6 million copies worldwide, and her collection of recipes is one of the best-selling recipe collections of all time.

Sassy Sound Bite:

Lukins recalls, “The best compliment I ever get is that cooking from these recipes is just like having a friend helping you in the kitchen.”

Succinct Story:

To Sheila, good meals were a way of bringing family and friends together, marking occasions, and making everyone feel happy.

Social Information to Help Her Ideal Customers Connect with Her:

She would think nothing of cooking for two days so she could host a party in her gracious home.

My own copy of the Silver Palate Cookbook is well worn and splashed with the sauces and flavors she helped me prepare for my own family.   Sheila Lukins made a delicious impact on my life and times in the kitchen, and I am one of a cast of millions who knows this to be true.

DIY Publicity Tip of the Day: Bios in life or tributes to mark passings have a lot in common. The same recipe applies.   The timely lesson to ponder is this.  Live your best life and do your best work today.  Tell your story in a vibrant way that makes a delicious impact on your ideal customers.   Add interesting flavors and spice to set yourself apart.  If not now, then when?