Do you believe that we can accomplish more together than we ever can alone? I sure do.  I am counting my blessings and lucky stars today because with that deep knowing, anything is possible.

Milana Leshinsky and Rich GermanJust two weeks ago, while attending JVX — an industry gathering of 300 + joint venture partners created by Milana Leshinsky and Rich German — I was thinking about how challenging it can be to break through the noise and make real impact — especially when competition for attention can be so fierce at holiday time.

Any one of us by herself can only do so much.  I looked around the room of luminaries and asked myself if there was a power partnership that could take shape in perfect timing to serve a huge number of newer entrepreneurs in time for the New Year with the best each had to offer.

I reached out to award-winning singer/songwriter Tiamo De Vettori and my good friend and co-leader in JV Leaderboard Secrets Virtual Mastermind Jeanna Gabellini to suggest a way that the three of us could play together for fun, good, and profit.

We have joined together to bring Tiamo’s “Living the Lyrics” MP3 Album Download, Jeanna‘s Speed Dial the Universe to Double Your JeannaProfits daily journal, and my popular Bye-Bye Boring Bio workbook together in a digital trifecta of inspiration, words, and music to guide mission driven entrepreneurs to make their boldest intentions for the New Year their reality. We are calling it the Holiday Gift Trifecta.

Tiamo even penned a custom song about it.  It’s the “Ti-Nan-Jeanna” anthem for success creation in 2015.

It is so FUN to collaborate with creative, high energy business owners who have their own blend of artistry, talent, and internet savvy to build something of high value that can serve so many … for a song.  Listen to Tiamo’s song and get your groove on for what you can create with our collective support in 2015.

The Holiday Gift Trifecta is standing by to delight and serve you and the entrepreneurs on your gift list this year. Spread the good news, and we’ll thank you with a gift of our own. When your name is noted in the “how did you hear about us?” required field five or more times, you’ll receive the JV Leaderboard Secrets Virtual Mastermind Jeanna and I taught this year to share how we get noticed, compensated, and rewarded for championing products and programs we believe in.  It’s a $997 gift for referring five or more sales through December 1, 2014.  Everyone wins.  Love that.  Thanks for giving and receiving!