Steve Juetten CFP™Hubby — Steve Juetten — was interviewed for an article in the Alaska Airlines in-flight magazine about social security. When the article came out, only one “sassy sound bite” made the final article. That can happen when editors pull out their red pens. And, that single “sassy sound bite” compelled the reader to call me when she touched down to ask if the expert was my husband AND to search Google for my husband’s name.

Turns out she was looking for a fee-only Certified Financial Planner in Bellevue, WA. She found one — from ONE LINE OF TEXT in an in-flight magazine and a couple of follow up phone calls. She must have liked what Steve said. Steve has been serving as an expert resource to Sharon Baker, a freelance writer, for some time. And interview by interview with her and others, he is getting known and getting paid for his expert status.

All this is to say that media relations is a bit like baseball. Not every hit is a home run. And it takes a lot of singles to round the bases and score. Suiting up to play is where it all starts.