Today is my 24th wedding anniversary to Steve Juetten.   He’s a great guy, and I could write a book about that, and I’ll save that for another day.  One thing about growing together in relationship with another is how skills transfer from one to another.   That Steve listens to me speak about how to earn publicity more than anyone else on the planet, and he sure pays attention.  Just last week, he was contacted by a writer for and was quick to respond with useful tips about saving for college.  The result that that exchange is now evident in this very meaty article about how to pay for college right now.

And this month, I am quoted within the pages of Success magazine — the one with Dr. Mehmet Oz on the cover.   The article in which I am quoted is entitled, “Branding in your own backyard.” When I saw this query come across my desk from Reporter Connection, I jumped on it.   This is a magazine that achievers read, and the halo of credibility that shines on my own expertise is priceless.  Thank you Emma Johnson for including my quote within your article.  I am thrilled beyond words.

So with all that said, there are two points I’d like to make about this when it comes to guiding you to earn your own publicity.

1)  Always strive to be fast and first to reply and be of service to reporters seeking your comments and perspectives.

2)  Consider the editorial environment would be the highest and best place for your comments to add value to the conversation.  Earning a placement in prestigious, well read websites or magazines with national and influential reach is a powerful way to share your expertise and invite people from across the nation to learn more about you and how you serve.

And to Steve Juetten, my beloved husband of 24 years.  Thank you for marrying me, growing in life and love with me, parenting with me, and staying with me.  You are a treasure beyond measure.   And while you have certainly learned a few publicity skills that are paying off for you big time, I will confess that your skills as a financial planner are unmatched and not yet shared on this end.  Let’s see what happens on that score over the next 24 years.  Can’t wait, and counting the minutes to enjoy more  of life with you.