People often call me their “Publicity Fairy Godmother” because it often happens that within days or weeks of chatting with me, they earn a place in the media spotlight. I love that because once people have a taste of seeing their names in print, they can hardly hold back their enthusiasm to keep the momentum flowing.
Regina Glenn and Debbie Whitlock were guests at the April 14 Publici-Tea™. Today, they are quoted in Smart Money Small Business about how they make professional development a priority while managing their growing businesses as a result of a gentle I suggestion I made to each to reply to an active media lead.
Every day, I learn of active media queries seeking experts to add value to stories in the works right now. When I have a client that is a perfect fit, I jump at the opportunity to help them earn the ink. In this case, Regina and Debbie were quick to reply prior to the posted deadline. They enlisted the interest of the reporter with their brief, compelling, and specific comments. Now their comments and references to their respected businesses are reflected in this story that has reach far beyond their Seattle backyard.
My business is all about helping people get seen, heard, and celebrated in their own backyards and beyond through the power of free publicity. New successes are unfolding every day to bring that mission to life. Are you ready to get into the game so you can enjoy the benefits that can flow to your growing business as a result of your enhanced visibility in the right media venues?
If so, why not sign up for the June 13 Publici-Tea™ at the Village Bellevue? Here is the link to make it easy to learn more and register. These events consistently earn rave reviews, and you owe it to yourself and your growing business to acquire new tools to help you enjoy more success with greater ease. Spaces are going fast, so don’t delay in securing your place. Hope to meet you soon!