Exclusive, High-Value Offer Created for friends, fans, and followers of Nancy Marmolejo's Viva Visibility Blog

Are You Ready to Transform Your Boring Bio from Wallpaper to Wow to Attract Clients Now?

Introducing the Updated, Revised and Expanded 143-Page Second Edition!

Welcome Friends, Fans, and Followers of Nancy Marmolejo’s Viva Visibility Blog

Are You Ready to Prepare and Share Your Story So You Can

Get Seen, Heard, Celebrated and COMPENSATED for Your Expert Status in 2011?
Now You Can with Confidence!

Friends, fans, and followers of Nancy Marmolejo’s Viva Visibility Blog all get these time-tested and proven tools to guide them to prepare and share their story — all for a wise investment of $47.

The four e-bonuses alone are valued at $74!

Bye-Bye Boring Bio shows solopreneurs — coaches, consultants, authors, speakers and content experts — how to transform boring bios from wallpaper to wow to attract clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews now. This comprehensive, easy-to-use, engaging, and content-rich action guide is packed with articles, road tested bio templates, access to three audio files, and abundant bio examples organized by profession that make writing bios for the web, social media, speaking, and the media a breeze. This popular, proven, and well-reviewed program gives introverted entrepreneurs and others who struggle with writing about their accomplishments cause for celebration. Apply the lessons within to get seen, heard, celebrated and COMPEN$ATED for your expert status. Start today.

Is it finally time to kick your boring bio to the curb to attract clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews?

Let’s face it. It is hard to write about your own accomplishments. And, if you are an introvert, it’s even harder. Let Bye-Bye Boring Bio become your new best friend as the you breeze through the engaging articles, fill in the blanks for the bio worksheets, and study the compelling bio examples within to find just the right message inspiration to guide your own bio writing success. You’ll be guided almost effortlessly to showcase the unique value you bring to the marketplace in a story that is all your own.

After all, in today’s demanding economy, a client-attracting bio is perhaps the most important bio of all. Now more than ever, decision makers are turning to experts with stunning results to address serious problems that require informed solutions. And people are doing business with PEOPLE as opposed to companies. That makes it absolutely essential to put your best stories forward to showcase your authenticity and the value you bring.
Brad Tollefson, owner of VLST Media, says, “I’ve been working on a new website and have been leaning on Bye-Bye Boring Bio heavily. It’s been a very good friend – kind of an advocate for shy people’s kind of guide.”
“Don’t let a snoozer-loser bio make you sound fuddy-duddy instead of fabulous, especially when a winning approach is just a few sassy sound bites away,” Nancy advises.

With the Bye-Bye Boring Bio system as your guide, you will learn:

  • That your bio is less about you and more about your most stunning results that matter to your clients
  • The four essential elements every bio should showcase
  • Why one-size-fits-all bios rarely fit all situations
  • Why every radio host wants from from you
  • What every event emcee wants from you that serves your interests just as much as his!
  • The biggest time savers you gain by getting your bio in great shape now
  • How to set yourself apart from every other expert and why you must begin right now
  • And so much more.
  • Nancy is confident that your various bios will read beautifully and attract quality opportunities for you to do more of what you love when you follow the proven tips and templates within this comprehensive, popular and well-reviewed system. She put every element within through the paces with hundreds of road testers and earned rave reviews across the board.

    Best of all, users of this guide are reporting great success attracting clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews as a direct result of following the time-tested tips and advice packed within the Bye-Bye Boring Bio program.

    • Imagine being awarded a four-figure speaking gig as a direct result of a meeting planner reading your speaker sheet.
    • Consider how great it will be for your ideal client to “get to yes” immediately, just by reading your engaging bio that offers a message that truly resonates and inspires action.
    • What if CNN Radio were to seek you out as an expert contributor to their show as a direct result of reading your bio?

    These results are happening every day for satisfied users of Bye-Bye Boring Bio. They can happen for you, too, when you embrace the information and apply it to your expert advantage.

    That’s why your satisfaction is guaranteed, or your money back!

    Bye-Bye Boring Bio Eases a Variety of Pains

    • Do you find writing or talking about yourself just too darn hard?
    • Are you new to “Free Agent Nation” and need to generate some action in your business fast?
    • Do you feel stuck, paralyzed, and alone in the struggle of finding the right words to share the value you bring?
    • Are you frustrated that you can’t seem to find the time to focus on or organize a good bio or speaker sheet for your important work in the world?
    • Have you reinvented what you do so many times in the last two years that your current bio doesn’t even begin to describe what you are doing and why it matters to your ideal clients or the media right now?
    • All these worries are solved with Bye-Bye Boring Bio as your tool of choice!

    Extreme Bio Makeover Expert Nancy Juetten is on an inspired mission to help people tell their stories so they can attract clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews for their businesses now. She’ll empower you to turn your bios from fuddy-duddy to fabulous so your story will stand out and shine in record time. And, you will feel GREAT about how you are sharing your message with your ideal clients so you can do more of what you love with the right people.

    Bye-Bye Boring Bio Makes It Easy to Write Bios in Every Format You Need

    • Need a client-attracting bio that gets your ideal client to say “YES” in record time?
    • Need a short blurb bio that delivers applause instead of snores?
    • Need a website bio that actually gets your phone to ring?
    • Need a Twitter profile that is a-twitter with personality?
    • Need still winning bio to serve an an introduction for your speaking engagement or upcoming radio interview?
    • Can you get your point across with just a few lines of well worded text?
    • Need inspiration to prepare a speaker sheet that is perfect for your speaking career right now so you will be selected as that highly compensated expert?
    • Bye-Bye Boring Bio shows you the way!

    Bye-Bye Boring Bio seeks to be the solopreneur’s ultimate guide to get seen, heard, celebrated and COMPEN$ATED for expert status. This 143-page system includes useful articles, abundant examples of bios in various formats, and ten amazingly useful templates that make it easy for you to fill in the blanks and tell your story in a way that people beyond your mother will notice. Plus, you gain access to three content-rich MP3 audio files that offer specific tips and inspiration to invite more compensation now.
    Just check out the CONTENTS to see what is in store for your storytelling success:

    • The ABC’s of Common Bio Blunders How Boring is YOUR Bio?
    • Identify the Four S’s That Set You Apart
    • One Size Bio Doesn’t Fit All Situations: When to Use Which Bio
    • Make Your Speaker One-Sheet Stand Out and Shine
    • Your “WOW” Speaker Introduction
    • Speak for Dollars: Create an ENROLLING Presentation that Attracts Sales on the Spot, Plus Bonus Audio Interview with Master of Enrollment Coach Bill Baren
    • Write for Dollars: Create a Client-Attracting Book that Makes Up to
      $150,000 Before It’s Published – Bonus Audio Interview with
      Mission Publishing Mentor Founder John Eggen
    • Practical Considerations for Speakers Who Want to Get Seen, Heard, Celebrated and COMPEN$ATED Now
    • Put Your Best Face Forward Twitter Profiles that Deliver Facebook and Your Bio
      1. Get to the Magic Behind Your Message
      2. Identify the Four S’s that Set You Apart
      3. Create a Client-Attracting Bio FAST—A MUST READ!
      4. Just-the-Facts Bio Template for People with Writer’s Block
      5. Create a Sassy Media Profile Fast in Minutes
      6. Create Your Speaker One-Sheet Fast
      7. Your “WOW” Speaker Introduction
      8. Your Two-Sentence Radio Introduction
      9. Create a “Bio Box” for Yourself
      10. Ask for Testimonials

    The example bios are organized by category so you can quickly find bios for a coach, an expert, a business owner, or a consultant to help you craft a winning bio of your own.
    And, for those who learn best by listening, the system includes access to three bonus MP3 files that showcase practical tips you can apply today to invite more compensation in your business.

    Listen as Master of Enrollment Coach Bill Baren guides you to learn his proven methods to convert more prospects to clients with greater ease. Here’s what you will learn on this FREE, content-rich teleclass:

    Bill’s most powerful formula for leading prospective clients to “YES” – it works anytime, anywhere. Whether you are in a one-on-one consultation …. leading a teleseminar…. or speaking on a stage. (This is the true key to being a master of enrollment)
    How to turn the dreaded response of “I can’t afford it” into the perfect opportunity for you to close the sale right on the spot
    Is fear of rejection the #1 thing stopping you from getting clients? I’ll show you a simple fear-busting technique you can use right away. You’ll feel much more comfortable talking to people about fees and inviting them to work with you
    A proven 5-step system for making money and enrolling new clients through teleminars and speaking engagements (and if you’ve never done a teleseminar or speaking engagement, this will make it easy for you to get started).
    Bill’s super easy method for you to create an irresistible offer that can DOUBLE the number of prospective clients who hire you.

    Most prospective clients want to say YES to getting help! You’ll learn how to make it easy for them to do so.

    Profit as you hear from Publishing and Marketing Mentor John Eggen as he shares how to make up to $150,000 in revenue from your book BEFORE it is published. Listen in and you will learn in-depth answers to these questions:

    The 6 biggest ways a book will build your ideal practice or business
    2 challenges that stop people from writing a client-attracting book, and 4 components needed to guarantee success in doing it
    Resources available to help you write your book–which ones work and which ones don’t
    Top 5 things you need to know to make writing your book easy, affordable and profitable
    The proven system that helps you write a book fast that attracts clients and generates multiple income streams
    Plus interactive Q&A at the end to answer questions asked by those who were “live” on this call.

    Tune in as Extreme Bio Makeover Expert Nancy Juetten shares Extreme Bio Makeover examples that demonstrate how to transform a “blah, blah, blah” bio into one that captures immediate attention, while showcasing the ABC’s of common bio blunders so you can proceed in a winning way with confidence.
    You’ll walk away from Nancy’s presentation with powerful “aha” insights that you can apply immediately to help you save valuable time preparing for media interviews, set the stage for you to delight broadcast media producers, while making your bio read better so the right people will notice and act.

    The ABC’s of common bio blunders
    The four S’s every bio should include
    Why one-size-fits-all bios rarely fit all situations
    Why every radio host wants from from you
    What every event emcee wants from you that serves your interests just as much as his!
    The biggest time savers you gain by getting your bio in great shape now
    How to set yourself apart from every other expert and why you must begin right now!

    Most importantly, by the end of this call, you’ll be fired up and ready to take action transform your boring, boilerplate, and bland bio to the rock star status of which you and your expertise are so worthy. Whether you need to attract new clients, invite media attention for your winning ways, or all of the above, you’ll gain at least 3 BIG insights and practical actions you can use immediately to make your bios for the web, your speaker sheet, and your social networking profiles better immediately.
    Nancy Juetten is on a mission to banish boring bios forever so clients can welcome more of the clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews they seek. Don’t miss this content-rich call that will be a game changer for guiding you to welcome more of these compelling results for yourself and your own growing business.

    This isn’t a thin, content-shy system that leaves you with more questions than answers. It’s meaty, delicious, engaging, and supportive of your every word. Some say this system is like having a PR expert sit beside you every step of the way to get your bio complete at long last.
    And everyone raves about how much better they feel about the messages they are sending to the marketplace about the value their bring and why it matters, now more than ever.

    Best of all, this NEW and much expanded SYSTEM is priced at $2 LESS than the first edition to deliver even more value and impact for your investment.
    In these demanding times, this is a GIFT Nancy is pleased to share to showcase her commitment to your success!

    What Solopreneurs and Experts Say about Bye-Bye Boring Bio: Raves All Around

    Business Owners Rave
    “In an era where news, information, opinions and decisions travel at the speed of Google, your online presence has never been more influential! Your book is definitely judged by its Internet cover. The wrong photo, the wrong blurb, the wrong wording, and your potential future client will pass you by like a Picasso at a yard sale. No matter that what you have is of tremendous value to them if they don’t pick up that value from your bio. Enter Nancy Juetten and Bye Bye Boring Bio. With little effort, even a hack novice can have a polished, enticing, anything-but-bland marketing tool that can be tweaked as the situation demands. If you’re a wise CEO, you need to tap into Nancy’s expertise in your own bio makeover. You’ll look so good online you’ll hardly recognize yourself! Just be sure to email her your success stories as new clients beat a path to your door!”

    ScribeRight Transcription Agency, Inc

    “Nancy Juetten’s Bye Bye Boring Bio and audio file were just the shot of energy I needed to turn my pretty good bio into something special and memorable. I’m a strong non-fiction writer, but writing about myself is a real challenge. By having great examples of outstanding biographies and following a couple of Nancy’s powerful suggestions, I was able to transform my bio. Now it reveals more personality and dynamically speaks to the exciting benefits of my business. Thanks Nancy for enabling to put my best self forward. What a fantastic and much needed service you provide. Entrepreneurs everywhere need to know about this.”

    – Melissa Wadsworth,
    What You Notice Matters

    “I’m a marketing consultant, author, public speaker and independent book publisher. Someone with that many hats not only needs a different bio for each pursuit, but several different versions of each one for various applications. I had just gotten a request for several different-length bios for a speaking gig I was doing, and was staring at what I knew were far less-than-stellar bios I’d prepared. They just didn’t match my vibrant speaking style, and I felt would sell me short to prospective attendees. Not 15 minutes later, as I wondered why I didn’t seem to be able to wordsmith a bio as engaging as my presentations, someone I’m following re-Tweeted Nancy Juetten’s pitch for her “Bye-Bye Boring Bio.” I don’t believe in coincidence, so I followed the link and within moments was eagerly plowing through 52 pages of valuable, actionable ‘how-to’ advice for people just like me!
    “Addressing specifics such as bio structure, usage in social media, and leveraging your bio to supercharge website sales, this guide doesn’t just tell but also shows, through well-selected examples (and more than one of each type, so you can really see how it’s done right), templates to give you a place to start, and tips on when to use which type of bio. I read it over my lunch hour and immediately got to work on crafting a better bio. Now I’m in the process of applying all the new ones to all my print and online materials. The one I’ve already posted was such a joy because I had the confidence that it truly represented the face I want to show to the world.
    “Bottom line: This guide is so good, if you can’t do a good job with it, you won’t be able to do the job yourself. Which is no sin, and you can always hire Nancy Juetten to do it for you! Either way, you’re going to be a LOT happier with your new personal or professional bio.”

    Mary A. Shafer

    “As a professional copywriter, I thought I knew everything when it came to writing bios. But Nancy’s ‘Bye-Bye Boring Bio’ gave me tons of new insight. Her worksheets helped me add humor and credibility to my existing bio, and inspired several unique talking points for speeches and networking events. Now, I recommend the Action Guide to almost everyone I know.”

    — Kelly Watson,
    One Woman Marketing

    “With today’s rise in use of social media and the competitive market there is one area everyone must be focusing on – their bio. There are few resources available to help individuals truly understand the importance and process of a well written bio until Nancy Juetten’s Bye-Bye-Boring Bio. As a small business owner and corporate keynote speaker , you would think that I would know the in’s and out’s of writing a bio. After finishing Nancy’s Bye-Bye-Boring Bio, I immediately went back to the drawing board and polished up my bio. If first impressions are being made online and through email, don’t get caught with a bio that keeps you from getting ahead. Thank you Nancy for sharing this amazing process in a way that anyone can understand.”

    — Jabez LeBret ,
    Small Business Owner and
    Corporate Keynote Speaker

    “Trust me people, this book is good. Unlike some books that just skim the surface of a subject, or take a single lukewarm insight and milk it for 100 pages, Nancy goes into incredible depth in terms of the steps involved to put a great bio together — and backs her advice up with example after example after example in way that really brings her suggestions to life. Got a big speech to give tomorrow? She even has several “fill in the blanks” templates contained in the book to make it easy for people to whip out killer copy about themselves, on the fly. Beyond the main focus of bio-creation, B.B.B.B. also includes some useful advice about other publicity-related topics like how to arrange to get a great mugshot taken for yourself, how to diplomatically solicit testimonials from other people, and how to create powerful Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking profiles. So again, it’s one heck of a resource…”

    – Matt Youngquist,

    “Let’s face it, our short (and long) online bios can be a bit of a nightmare to write. For some people it can be a case of “not feeling good enough.” For others it can be wondering what to miss out. But then came Nancy Juetten with the “Bye Bye Boring Bio Action Guide.” In a book that could have gone so badly wrong, been entirely boring, and contained page after page of waffle, Nancy has triumphed. Everything about this book – from the color scheme to the writing style, and the quotes to the examples – leads to a hugely enjoyable read. Nancy guides you through the stages of creating your bio in a way that is appropriate for your requirements. Starting from the basics and working through to industry-specific examples, this guide provides workable examples that all lead to a stunning bio. So insightful is this invaluable guide that I will be returning to my own bio to see if it can be improved by utilizing Nancy’s advice.”

    Andrew Ng entrepreneur
    – author – innovation & media consultant
    Managing Director,
    Fat Mouse Productions Ltd
    Executive Consultant,
    Business Development Manager,
    Expanding Web

    “Nancy has done it again — she’s put together a fabulous guide to help increase your own publicity efforts. The Bye-Bye Boring Bio gave me specific action items I could accomplish and a slew of different methods to generate ideas for a winning bio that won’t put people to sleep.”‘

    – Annie Cheng,
    Netstar Communications Inc.

    “I really like the worksheets and all of the bio examples. It has made me realize that you can spice up your bio with more than just the facts and statistics most of us tend to use.”

    – Stacy Anderson,
    Organized Innovations LLC

    “As a person who has been stuck in a biography rut for 30 plus years of writing very boring things about myself, I found Nancy’s Bye-Bye Boring Bio Guide a real challenge that finally gave me an escape route out of continuing to write such uninspiring bios! Very few of us who speak, write, and consult know how to really define who we are and what capabilities we offer. This guide provided me a way of thinking and presenting a clearer picture of what I can offer others.”

    – Bob Philips,
    RW & Associates and
    Co-Author of “Absolute Honesty ”

    “Nancy’s Bye-Bye Boring Bio is a no-brainer for people like me who have difficulty writing about themselves. I asked myself ‘What the heck do I have to share which makes me interesting and intriguing and encourages people to want to know more?’ And then I read Nancy’s guide and voila! She provides the reader with a map ready to take you on a step-by-step journey to uncover the treasures within. Nancy’s guide makes it easy by asking the right questions which will in turn help you to fashion a sizzling and fascinating bio. As an artist who is better at creating than writing about herself, this guide is a life saver. Thank you Nancy!”

    – Violette Clark,
    whimsical artist and
    creative catalyst

    ‘ I was stumped, where to next? I wanted a great bio, one that said what was in my head, but somehow it would not translate to paper. Enter Nancy Juetten PR person extraordinaire. Thanks Nancy for you invaluable help in getting me on track and for your wonderful example, both served to create a bio in record time, no more than half an hour total. ”

    – Wallis Pattisonn,
    Abundant Habits,
    Learning to Attract Abundance,

    “In the new media reality, you need some savvy advice from Nancy Juetten. She will empower your personal brand with a creative bio that exhibits authenticity, transparency, and integrity. Don’t go online without it.”

    – Howard Howell,

    “As a professional speaker and author, I’ve learned all too well how important it is to tell a story so decision makers will listen and make the decision to say ‘yes’ to what I offer. My hat is off to Nancy Juetten for creating a comprehensive, easy-to-use guide that makes it easy for business owners and everyone to do exactly that. The Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide is great work! Run, don’t walk, and get your copy today.”

    – Patrick Snow
    International Best-Selling Author of
    Creating your Own Destiny

    “It is so heartwarming to buy a product — Bye-Bye Boring Bio — that is worthy of praise. Not to mention your giving spirit. After purchasing a product, rarely do I listen in on teleseminars related to the same topic. However, I learn something new every time I listen to one of your telesemars. Maybe its because I am open to receive more? I have purchased countless products that simply do not live up to the promise. Lately, I have been exercising the “money back guarantee” for the fluffy hype filled products. Your products, on the other hand, are headed for the vault.”

    — Tracy L. Jones

    “I have been stuck with creating just the right bio. Actually, paralyzed. Bio’s have a huge impact and can make or break you, which is something that I don’t take lightly. After a year of contemplation, I finally signed up for a Publici-Tea™ Express workshop with Nancy Juetten. The workshop was fabulous. I got so many juicy golden nuggets to help improve my businesses exposure. With Nancy’s help and the help of her Bye Bye Boring Bio Action Guide, I now, finally have a fabulous bio! And, it wasn’t a painful process. Don’t be like me and waste opportunities with a boring bio. Nancy has many resources to get you going immediately. Nancy, thank you for being so generous with your information and for your sincere devotion to helping others build their businesses through the power of publicity”

    — Meisha Rouser, Professional Coaching & Seminars www.beyondleft.com

    “I have spent countless hours studying copywriting materials, but it was not until I read your ‘Bye-Bye Boring Bio’ that I finally grasped the possible angle of approach and was able to produce a bio that people find interesting to read. Thank you!”

    — Rose De Dan Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC www.reikishamanic.com

    PR, Branding and Social Media Experts Say Great Things, Too!
    “Wow! Nancy has given enough info to make anyone’s bio interesting! This is a must read if you’re seeking interviews with the media.”

    — Drew Gerber, CEO of Wasabi Publicity, Inc. www.wasabipublicity.com

    “What gets folks to put their trust in you? What gets the media to call you cold? Your online image! And PARTICULARLY your bio — it’s where the rubber meets the road, and let me tell you, Nancy Juetten, totally has that figured out. I’m completely impressed with her ‘Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide.’ She’s cracked the code on how you can look better online instantly, just by creating a truly compelling and exciting bio. That’s what all of us platform builders want to do first. Thanks, Nancy!”

    — Suzanne Falter-Barns, Platform Buildling Expert www.getknownnow.com

    “As a social media expert for entrepreneurs, I can’t emphasize enough to my clients how important it is to have a GREAT bio that conveys your expertise and personality in mere seconds. In this digital world, your bio is the equivalent of a handshake, smile, and eye contact all rolled into one. When done well, it wins friends and new clients. And when not done well, it crushes your credibility and opportunities.Nancy Juetten has created a wonderful resource for writing an effective bio. Your new bio will not only impress your followers, but intrigue them so they will want to know more about you.
    I pulled so many great ideas from Nancy’s book, I’m ran over to my bio and made some quick tweaks following her advice! This is definitely a ‘must buy’ book I highly recommend!”

    — Nancy Marmolejo, Social Media Expert CEO of Sizzibility™ www.VivaVisibility.com

    “If you need to position yourself ahead of your competition you need Nancy Juetten’s practical, easy to adapt, high impact advice.”

    — Patricia Fripp, Past President, National Speakers Association www.patriciafripp.com

    “If you want to write or improve the bio that you already have, you need to have this guide. It will walk you through bio writing step-by-step and give you all the information you’ll ever need.”

    — Cynthia Flash, Flash Media Services, www.flashmediaservices.com

    Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2nd Edition
    This is the system of choice for satisfied solopreneurs across Main Street USA and the world who want to get seen, heard, celebrated and COMPENSATED for their expert status NOW.
    Join them as see how much faster you can attract the new clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews YOU seek!

    “Yes! Nancy. I am buying this comprehensive system right now.

    143-Page Bye-Bye Boring Bio Workbook, packed with bios that are already attracting clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews now!
    10 Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Worksheets
    These are road-tested and proven to guide you to get the heart of your message in record time.
    Bonus Audio File #1
    Become a Master of Enrollment with Bill Baren as Your Guide
    Bonus Audio File #2
    Make Up to $150,000 from Your Book BEFORE It is Published with Publishing and Marketing Mentor John Eggen
    Bonus Audio File #3
    Kick Your Boring Bio to the Curb to Attract Clients, Speaking Gigs, and Media Interviews Now with Nancy Juetten
    Your wise investment for everything here is just $47. You will gain immediate access to the Bye-Bye Boring Bio system in full color, downloadable immediately, with all 143 pages of amazing content plus the four e-bonus gifts illustrated above. The special offer is just for the friends, fans, and followers of Nancy Marmolejo’s Viva Visibility Blog.

    Prefer Your Bye-Bye Boring system as a Spiral Bound Workbook with 143 pages to turn, savor and enjoy forever? – $47

    BEST VALUE — Choose the Spiral Bound Workbook & e-version for just $10 more.* – $57

    This is the perfect choice if IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION is your goal. You get everything immediately, PLUS the spiral bound workbook a few days later by mail to add to your business success library forever!

    Join the many happy solopreneurs and business owners across the USA and across the globe who are signing the praises of the Bye-Bye Boring Bio system to their expert advantage.

    Your purchase is protected by Nancy Juetten’s guarantee.
    When you act on the information within this system, you will be well equipped to create bios that can attract clients, speaking gigs, and media attention. Remember that action is always the key. If you are unhappy with your purchase for any reason, return it within 30 days and Nancy will refund your investment.

    It’s your story. Tell it well.