A couple weeks ago, the Wall Street Journal did a story about pay-for-placement PR services, and the readers went wild in their commentary on the topic. If you read today’s WSJ, you can read more about what the readers think about this practice. There are also some tips for the art of the pitch, and one of them was provided by yours truly. I say, “To successfully capture the attention of reporters, I read, listen to, or watch their work. Then, I share news, access, or commentary that will add value to what they report on.” You can read the article and related commentary. It’s a good read.
A lot of folks tell me that they want their commentary featured within the pages of the Wall Street Journal, and I am among them. When this story about PR ran, I noticed that the reporter asked specifically for feedback. I took a few minutes to craft a reply to the WSJ Independent Street Blog about how not to pitch a reporter, and my comments showed up online with my name, and they showed up in today’s Wall Street Journal without my name.
Rome wasn’t built in a day. It happened brick by brick. Perhaps next time, my comments will be featured in both venues with my name and blog link.
I do take heart in the fact that I didn’t pay a cent for the placement because I followed my own advice. I read the reporter’s work and thoughtfully contributed commentary that I thought would add value to the story.
This approach has always worked for me. Try it with your own do-it-yourself publicity efforts, and let share your successes with me. I can’t wait to hear and report on your good news.