Eastside Business is a newspaper that serves business owners in the Bellevue area. The cover story is about The Village Bellevue — a fantastic new co-working space that is serving small business owners on the Eastside in a very winning way. I host my Bellevue Publici-Tea™ Workshops there just about monthly, and the setting is just perfect to invite connection, collaboration, and great publicity ideas.

The August issue announces that the Eastside Life community blog is looking for bloggers from all backgrounds to blog about what interests them. Here is a great opportunity to blog about entrepreneurism, small business, networking, women in business, health and wellness, technology, or anything that interests you and that would be of interest to others. You can join for FREE at this link or write to blog@TheEastsideLife.com for more information.

By the way, seats are filling fast for the August 15 Publici-Tea™ in Tacoma, the September 10 event in Portland, and the September 12 event in Bellevue.   If you have been toying with the idea of making a reservation, don’t wait too long.   These events are kept to 15 or fewer people to invite great connections, collaboration, and DIY publicity inspiration.   Don’t miss out.  Register to attend today.