Earlier in the week, I had the wonderful opportunity to address a group of executives in transition about how to get known as an expert.   Today I am posting the audio file so you can listen in.   There are some wonderful stories in this presentation that bring to life how getting known has paid off for a Debbie Whitlock, John Hutson, Laura Liest, Steve Juetten, and others.

Listen in, learn a few new things, and get into action.  Pretty soon, you’ll be known as an expert, too, and you’ll have all the opportunities to do what you love that you want so you can get on with your life.

Many thanks to Matt Youngquist of Career Horizons for the invitation to address his group.

If you want to learn even more, register for the Publici-Tea™ Express taking place next Wednesday, September 16 at Seattle Design Center.  I’d love to meet you in person.