Heidi Richards Mooney is the founder of the Women’s E-Commerce Association as well as the publisher and editor-in-chief of WE magazine. It’s a great read to learn how women are collaborating, celebrating, and communicating as they grow their businesses.
As you read the magazine, imagine your story or expertise featured within the pages of this online magazine. If you’ve decided to become a published author in 2009, are an ordinary business woman doing extraordinary things, or contributing to the marketplace in powerful ways, pitch your story for WE magazine consideration. You have plenty of readership to gain.
And, as you view this magazine, take note that the Publici-Tea™-TO-GO! Gift Bundles are featured on page three of this magazine. Tens of thousands of readers are going to see this message, and that is a beautiful thing!
Thank you Heidi for advocating so powerfully for this cause-related initiative to benefit Northwest Hope and Healing. This is a non profit organization that delivers healing baskets full of “comfort and joy” items like chocolates, lotions, and teddy bears to women newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Northwest Hope and Healing also provides cash for groceries, transportation, and child care so women can be supported in the ways they need as they endure their treatment and recovery.